Simon from lord of the flies

Simon is a character who represents peace and repose, with some mentions to Jesus Christ. He is really in-tune with the island, and frequently experiences extraordinary esthesiss when listening to its sounds. He besides has an utmost antipathy to the hog ‘s caput, the “ Lord of the Fliess, ” which derides and twits Simon in a hallucination. After this experience, Simon emerges from the forest to state the others that the “ animal ” that fell from the sky is really a asleep parachuter caught on the mountain, merely to be viciously killed by Jack ‘s people, who ironically mistake him for the animal. The concluding words that the Lord of the Flies had said to Simon mistily predicted that his decease was about to happen in this mode. Simon ‘s decease represents the loss of truth and common sense. [ 6 ]

The first clip we see Simon, he ‘s fainting. Physical failing becomes a trademark of his character, from go throughing out to throwing up to hallucinations and bloody olfactory organs. So it ‘s easy to believe right off the chiropteran that this child is sort of weak. Simon is a timid but compassionate cat. A “ skinny, graphic male child, ” Simon ‘s got this innate goodness that comes out in his actions. He helps the littluns pick fruit to eat, he recovers Piggy ‘s spectacless when they fly off his face ( post-Jack ‘s clout ) , and he gives Piggy his ain portion of meat. Equally of import as what he does make is what he does n’t make, viz. turn into a crude barbarian and travel about killing things.

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But Simon is really wise, mature, and insightful to the point of being prophetic. Simon wins the Most Amazing Remarks Ever award in Lord of the Flies, despite viing with such glare as “ We need an assembly to set things straight ” and “ What are we, worlds or animate beings? ” Simon ‘s prize-winning rival: “ Possibly there is a animal [ aˆ¦ ] , possibly it ‘s merely us. ”

And that ‘s non all in the wise remarks section, either. You ca n’t speak about Simon without speaking about that immense, show-stopping scene in Chapter Eight when he “ negotiations ” with “ the Lord of the Flies. ” If you choose to see the Lord of the Flies as strictly a merchandise of Simon ‘s imaginativenesss, so all of the hog ‘s caput ‘s remarks can be attributed to Simon ‘s insightful glare. We ‘re speaking about lines like “ Fancy believing the animal was something you could run or kill! ” and “ You knew, did n’t you? I ‘m portion of you? Near, near, near. ” We ‘ll travel into more item in the “ Symbols, Imagery, Allegory ” subdivision, but for now be satisfied with the fact that Simon is the lone male child to truly hold on that “ the animal ” is merely all the negative, atrocious facets of world. The hog ‘s caput ‘s following line, “ I ‘m the ground why it ‘s no go [ aˆ¦ ] , why things are the manner they are ” is a direct reply to the inquiry Piggy posed several pages earlier: “ What makes things interrupt up the manner they do? ” So at that place you have it: Simon replies the inquiries of the other boys – it ‘s merely that no 1 will listen.

Of class, the other manner to see the Simon/Lord of the Flies scene is to state that the speaking hog ‘s caput is n’t a mere hallucination – it ‘s the existent Lord of the Flies, Beelzebub, the Devil, evil incarnate, speaking to Simon via a cut off attic. If this is true, Simon loses points for non coming up with the intelligent penetrations on his ain. On the other manus, he additions rather a few points back for being similar Jesus.

What? Yes, so, Simon might be considered to be a batch like Jesus. To get down with, his name is Simon, which happens to be the name of one of the 12 apostles. Simon started out as Simon until Jesus decided truly his name should be “ Peter ” alternatively. Now, as you ‘ll see elsewhere in this faculty, Lord of the Flies is kind of a response to another book, The Coral Island. Golding went so far as to utilize the same names for his characters, taking Ralph, Jack, and Peterkin. Except “ Peterkin ” ended up as “ Simon. ”

And so there ‘s Simon ‘s affinity for speculation, his kindred spirit-ness with animate beings, his “ endure the small kids unto me ” attitude ( believe about the fruit-picking ) , and his ability to prophesize ( like when he tells Ralph that Ralph will acquire place, and kind of suggests that he himself wo n’t ) . Simon is one large spiritual cat. Having established that, we can travel back to our pig’s-head-on-a stick scene and compare it to Jesus ‘s visit to the Garden of Gethsemane the dark before he was crucified. Now, when we say visit, what we truly intend is long and lone mental agony, much like Simon undergoes the dark before he meets his ain prematurely decease. Simon is “ thirsty, ” and later “ really thirsty, ” and although the text does n’t state it, we can merely presume that at one point subsequently he is really, really thirsty. He ‘s besides sudating, holding a ictus, and shed blooding abundantly from his olfactory organ. So, if Simon ‘s “ dark before ” matches up with Jesus ‘s “ dark before, ” so it ‘s merely natural for us to compare their deceases as good. Does Simon decease for the wickednesss of the male childs? Are they someway saved by his decease? We think the most powerful decision is that Simon was the male childs ‘ Jesus: he entirely had the cognition of the animal ‘s true nature, and he entirely had the possible to salvage the male childs from themselves and their fright. And so they killed him.

The most interesting portion of this gruesome, tragic decease is that the male childs think Simon is the animal when they kill him. How dry is it that Simon said the animal was “ merely us, ” and is so subsequently pegged as in fact being the animal himself? The kicker is that, of all the male childs, Simon is the least beast-like. The inquiry is whether being non-beasty makes him more or less human.

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