Research Methology

RESEARCH METHOLOGY 2. 1 Title of the study: To understand “The customers satisfaction after sales and services provided by Harpreet Ford” 2. 2 Statement of the problem: With the recent influx of different brands in today’s four wheel auto segment each striving to satisfy customer with the end result of maintaining loyalty, at present cars as such have become necessity but not a nicety. Keeping in mind curriculum requirement and organizational requirement the study has been conducted to find out customer satisfaction towards Ford Ikon. However, due to time constraint an in depth study could not be undertaken. . 3 Need for the study: Aim of every business organization is to satisfy its customers and to earn profit. The need for the study arises in order to create awareness among the customers and to determine the customer satisfaction towards Harpreet Ford and to know their preferences towards Ford Ikon. 2. 4 Objective of the study: 2. 4. 1 Primary objective: • To know the customers opinion towards existing after sales services. • To find out customer’s preference towards Ford Ikon. 2. 4. 2 Secondary objective: • To attain feedback regarding success of sales promotional tools of the dealer. To market brand loyalty towards the product. 2. 5 Scope of the study: Nowadays car is a part of everyone’s life. Almost everyone from the lower class people to the upper class have cars. Customers will b satisfied only when they are provided with proper service of their cars. So findings of the study help the organization in the following ways: 1. Its helps to know which publicity media gives maximum retention to the customers. 2. The study also helps the company to improve their standard of service and handle the competition in the near future. 3.

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It also helps in putting possible improvements, additions, and new strategies. 4. It also puts a detailed insight into the different aspects of the company, such as manufacturing, marketing, sales, production and finance etc. 2. 6 Limitations of the Study: 1. It is restricted to Delhi only; hence respondents are selected from in and around Delhi. 2. It mainly confines to the age group of 18-45 years of students, professors, businessman, and serviceman, i. e. middle class & upper class population. 3. The study could not be conducted on a large sample size and area due to time constraints.

This covers all academic requirements strictly maintaining organizational standards; a sincere attempt has been made to collect the information. 4. The number of sample size is 100 respondents. 2. 7 Research Methodology of the study: A research design is the arrangement of conditions for the collection and analysis of data in a manner in which it aims to combine the relevant information to the research purpose. It is the overall observation pattern framework of the projects that stipulated what information is to be collected from which source, by what procedure. Methodology; The research was conducted on basis of questionnaire survey approach; the survey was conducted to learn about customer’s satisfaction towards the brand, product, price and promotion. ? A structured questionnaire was given to fill in the answers required to study factors such as attitude, satisfaction, mode of purchase etc, as the rate of reliable information is higher in this method 2. 8 Source of Data: 2. 8. 1 Primary Data: Primary data refers to the data collected a fresh or at first hand by the researcher. In this survey method, it is collected by means of observation and structured questionnaire.

The questions are carefully framed in simple and direct words to enable easy response from the respondents. 2. 8. 1 Secondary Data: Secondary data are those which have already been collected by other people and which have already been passed through a statistical process. Here, the secondary data was collected from company profile, records and personal discussions with the officials as well as with help from books, journals and websites. 2. 9 Research Instrument (Questionnaire): The questionnaire is a set of questions presented to respondents for their answers. It consists of simple, direct, unbiased wording.

All questions are framed in multiple options so that it easy to the respondent. The primary data collected through questionnaire was done in Delhi at Harpreet Ford under external guide Mr. Tandon general manager of the showroom. 2. 10 Plan of analysis: The data collected from the questionnaires was processed and analyzed. The information was carefully handled and sorted out under various headings. Each question was treated under separate heading and tabulation. To understand the satisfaction of target population in a better manner their answers were analyzed with reference to their personal data.


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