Legalization of Marijuana Essay

One of the major issues that Texas and the remainder of the States authoritiess are confronting right now is the argument on Marijuana. whether or non to legalise it or legalize it. The inquiries are being asked and discussed. what are the effects? Will legalising marihuanas lead to increased usage? Is it a gateway drug? And how many people are acquiring arrested for minor ownerships each twelvemonth? The illegality of marihuana in Texas is a job because it is doing users to fall back to back uping the black market ; it’s a drain on taxpayer’s money and doing major overcrowding jobs in the prison system. I propose legalisation of medicative and recreational usage of marihuana. and legalizing charges associated with marihuanas along with age and measure limitations to work out this job.

Texas legislative assembly and the remainder of the States are all debating this issue. but most of the common populace is misinformed or has a stigma on what marihuana is and how it affects you which can take to many misunderstandings on the works or a stigma against users. Most of the clip it can take to loss of a occupation. prison and for good stains your condemnable record. So. what is Marijuana? It’s a drug made from the prohibitionist shredded parts of the Cannabis sativa hemp works. This works contains a chemical called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or more normally known as THC. What surveies have discovered is that it’s really similar to chemicals that the encephalon of course produces but it disrupts the natural map of these chemicals in the encephalon by overloading your senses. Marijuana smoke can besides annoy the lungs and frequent tobacco users can hold the same respiratory jobs experienced by those who smoke baccy. Any type of smoking leads to hazard of lung malignant neoplastic disease.

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Marijuana has many effects on the encephalon. this includes but is non limited excessively short-run memory loss. motor coordination. decelerate reaction clip. temper swings and in some instances can do terrible anxiousness. Because of these effects it is believed to be one of the prima causes of auto clangs. 2nd merely two intoxicants. One of the greatest inquiries asked about Marijuana. is it habit-forming? While most people believe no. the truth is statistically 9 % of those who try Marijuana will go addicted. Youth are more susceptible than grownups and about 2. 7 million people in the U. S entirely meet the standards for marihuana dependance. ( lung. org ) THC stimulates encephalon cells to let go of the chemical Dopastat. which creates a euphoric feeling and can take to a physical dependence. Similar to tobacco backdown. people seeking to discontinue marijuana study crossness. kiping troubles. craving. and anxiousness.

While there are surely benefits and proved instances of medical marihuana assisting people cope with epilepsy every bit good as malignant neoplastic disease patients utilizing the works to get by with sickness and other symptoms. we must inquire ourselves. make these benefits outweigh the hazards? Yes the symptoms from smoking marihuanas on a regular basis aren’t good. but the symptoms received from marihuanas are some of the same symptoms that people get from inordinate smoke of baccy merchandises. Or you could state that the loss of motor map. short-run memory loss and decelerate reaction clip are besides symptoms of intoxicant maltreatment. Yet both baccy and intoxicant is legal. with non one medical benefit. Marijuana is illegal even though it has been proven to assist some people cope with their disease in some instances. yet its possible to acquire jail clip for one gm of weed.

Marijuana is a multi billion-dollar industry. but because marihuana is illegal on the Federal degree. taxpayers are seeing none of that money put back into the economic system. Alternatively all the net incomes are traveling directly into drug traders pockets through the black market. Its estimated that the market for marihuana in California is approximately 3 to 5 billion and that Cali makes up approximately 10 % of the national drug market so it could be estimated that the National market is about 30 – 40 billion dollars a twelvemonth. ( Canorml. org/ ) If marihuana was legalized on a National degree all of that money would be pouring in and exciting the economic system. which has been on a steep diminution for the past decennary. The fact is that “roughly 750. 000 people are arrested for charges of minor ownership of marihuanas each twelvemonth. which is approximately 48 % of all drug apprehensions in the United States” ( drugpolicy. org ) The revenue enhancements required the citizens of the U. S to merely keep the prisons entirely cost a luck.

“The cost of prisons was $ 39 billion in financial twelvemonth 2012” ( vera. org/ ) This means that its bing regular citizens $ 18. 7 billion to set marihuana users behind bars. This is non merely a drain on U. S resources but it’s besides a major beginning of overcrowding of the prisons systems. Presently the U. S incarcerates 1 in about 100 American Adults. ( alec. org ) There are better ways of covering with offense than mass captivity. Now how does all this relate to Texas? Presently there are 8 measures in Texas’s house of representatives sing decriminalizing or legalising medicative and recreational usage of marihuana. However nil has been officially decided in the current legislative session. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said Monday that lawgivers would non O.K. statute law that would legalise marihuana. “I don’t think legalizing marihuana is traveling to go on this session. ” Abbott said during a intelligence conference.

“I will see Texas go oning to take the manner of deviating off from activity that involves drug usage and assisting people lead more productive lives. ” ( Dallas News ) But although Torahs have non been passed to legalize ownership of marihuana. Abbott did admit attempts to acquire people off the herb instead than banging them in gaol and herding the legal system. “Texas has truly been a national leader with respect to drug recreation tribunals and drug recreation plans. ” Abbott said. “Our end is non to carry prisons with people who are arrested with minor ownership issues. our end is to assist those who are found with minor ownership take a tract that is more productive than what gaol provides. ” This potentially means that there is a beginning of understanding in Texas legislative assembly that there are some maltreatments that are go oning within the justness system sing marihuanas Torahs.

The “War on Drugs” has is a waste of Texans taxpayers money and legislative resources every bit good as doing an overcrowding issue in our prison systems. Not to advert that Texas entirely could convey in $ 166 million in gross from medicative marihuana entirely which would give a immense encouragement to the economic system. ( dallasobserver. com ) Legalization would extinguish about half of the condemnable population in Texas ensuing in clean records and better opportunities of acquiring a nice occupation in the Texas work force.

It would about get rid of half the black market drug trafficking since approximately 50 % of drugs being brought in from other provinces such as California or states like Mexico is marijuana. Without the stigma and the illegality of marihuana that money would travel to the provinces and the economic system instead than back uping the condemnable resistance. All of these jobs could potentially be solved through legalisation of marihuana for recreational usage but subjected to the same age and measure limitations as intoxicant or baccy. The sound grounds for legalisation of the herb is doing marijuana resistance statements to travel up in fume.

Work Cited ; Annotated Bibliography

“10 Facts About Marijuana” Drug Policy Alliance. 25 July 2014. Web. 31 Mar. 2015. 10 common facts about Marijuana. Will legalization lead to increased usage? Fact: There is no grounds that implementing medical marihuana Torahs impacts the rate of stripling usage. How many people are arrested for marihuanas each twelvemonth? Fact: Approximately 750. 000 people are arrested for marihuanas each twelvemonth. the huge bulk of them for simple ownership. with racial minorities over-represented. Misinformation and deceit are the prima causes for the argument on marijuana legalisation. “ERIC SCHLOSSER INTERVIEW. ” PBS. PBS. n. d. Web. 31 Mar. 2015. Frontline Interview of Eric Scholsser who has written several articles on impact of marijuana enforcement and how it affects the legal system.

Schlosser makes the point “n a batch of its internal kineticss to the McCarthy epoch witch-hunts. which I had studied in college. And the deep irrationality to it and the craze environing it seemed really similar. And what concerned me most was how it seemed like another scapegoating. This state traditionally has gone thorough periods of intolerance where we look for whipping boies blame whipping boies and avoid covering with our existent jobs. And the war on marihuana seemed like a authoritative illustration of that national inclination. So the inquiry that I address myself to in the articles I’ve written is how does society come to penalize a individual more harshly for selling marihuana than for killing person with a gun? ”

Under the Torahs of 15 provinces you can acquire a life sentence for a 3rd non-violent marihuana discourtesy but the mean prison sentence for a convicted slayer is approximately 6 to 8 old ages. Henrichson. Christian. and Ruth Delaney. “Vera Institute of Justice: Making Justice Systems Fairer and More Effective through Research and Innovation. ” The Price of Prisons: What Incarceration Costs Taxpayers. VERA Institute of Justice. 29 Feb. 2012. Web. 31 Mar. 2015. The chief statement for this beginning is the monetary value of prison and what captivity is bing taxpayers. Among the 40 provinces that participated in a study. the cost of prisons was $ 39 billion in financial twelvemonth 2012.

“Prison Overcrowding – American Legislative Exchange Council. ” ALEC American Legislative Exchange Council. American Legislative Exchange Council. 2015. Web. 31 Mar. 2015. Prison Overcrowding: The United States presently incarcerates 1 in about 100 American grownups. America’s captivity dependence grew during the late eightiess and early 1990s as province and local authoritiess passed “tough-on-crime” statute law. For illustration. California’s “three strikes” jurisprudence called for compulsory sentencing of repetition wrongdoers. and New York adopted the “Broken Windows” scheme that called for the apprehension and prosecution of all offenses big and little. The solution to this job is decriminalisation of ownership charges on a Federal degree.

Marijuana. ” American Lung Association. American Lung Association. 2 Feb. 2015. Web. 09 Mar. 2015 what is Marijuana? It’s a drug made from the prohibitionist shredded parts of the Cannabis sativa hemp works. This works contains a chemical called delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol or more normally known as THC. What surveies have discovered is that it’s really similar to chemicals that the encephalon of course produces but it disrupts the natural map of these chemicals in the encephalon by overloading your senses. The beginning states that many provinces are debating whether or non marijuana can be used as medical specialty. As of right now the FDA has non approved medical usage because there is non adequate grounds that the benefits outweigh the hazards. Marijuana has besides merely been utile in a limited figure of symptoms compared to the broad assortment it has been promoted to “cure” .

In add-on it has been found non to be as utile in bring arounding these symptoms as other FDA approved drugs for the same symptoms. THC stimulates encephalon cells to let go of the chemical Dopastat. which creates a euphoric feeling and can take to a physical dependence. Similar to tobacco backdown. people seeking to discontinue marijuana study crossness. kiping troubles. craving. and anxiousness.

“Economics: Drug War Facts. ” Economics. Drug War Facts. n. d. Web. 31 Mar. 2015. Data tabular arraies of the US Drug Control Spending. Beginning: “National Drug Control Budget: FY 2016 Funding Highlights” ( Washington. DC: Executive Office of the President. Office of National Drug Control Policy ) – See more at: hypertext transfer protocol: //www. drugwarfacts. org/cms/economics # sthash. MWYakCDP. dpuf


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