The Economic Development Process Of The States Economics Essay

The survey on the part of instruction to economic development procedure measured by GDP per capita reveals that one of the chief factors of influence is the developing degree of the human factor. Through statistical methods and econometric theoretical accounts, we analyzed the influence of instruction disbursement on gross domestic merchandise degree. Likewise, the survey high spots besides the issue of correlativity between instruction disbursement and employment degrees. At the terminal of the scientific attack, the writers analyze the dependance of instruction – homo development – GDP per capita.

Keywords: instruction, economic development, instruction disbursals.

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JEL categorization: C0, C1, I2, I25


The instruction as an indispensable activity in the development of a society has undergone major mutants that set up themselves in new methods and theoretical accounts of modern instruction. In the society of the hereafter the instruction will hold an indispensable function in making a new life style particular for a society based on cognition and acquisition.

In the present context, we considered necessary to analyze the influence of instruction on economic growing whereas the nexus between the two is obvious: the function of instruction in economic development additions and the quality of the instruction system depends on the degree of development of the state.

During the research we have studied and applied statistical methods and econometric theoretical accounts. With their aid we have got, following the computations, consequences on the mode in which the disbursals sing the action in the field of instruction influence GDP degree and we interpreted the obtained consequences with cautiousness. We besides calculated and analyzed the dependance between GDP / capita and degree of instruction.

The instruction as an indispensable activity in the development of a society has undergone major mutants that set up themselves in new methods and theoretical accounts of modern instruction. In the society of the hereafter the instruction will hold an indispensable function in making a new life style particular for a society based on cognition and acquisition.

In the present context, we considered necessary to analyze the influence of instruction on economic growing whereas the nexus between the two is obvious: the function of instruction in economic development additions and the quality of the instruction system depends on the degree of development of the state.

During the research we have studied and applied statistical methods and econometric theoretical accounts. With their aid we have got, following the computations, consequences on the mode in which the disbursals sing the action in the field of instruction influence GDP degree and we interpreted the obtained consequences with cautiousness. We besides calculated and analyzed the dependance between GDP / capita and degree of instruction. As a consequence of the computations performed we concluded that there is a direct relationship between the addition of the disbursement allotted to the action in the field of instruction for the three degrees of instruction and GDP / capita. Using the method of least squares we calculated the cross-correlation coefficients between unemployment rate and instruction costs and showed that the degree and development of the unemployment rate is influenced by the instruction related costs.

We analyzed the dependance of instruction – homo development – GDP / capita and based on the consequences obtained we showed that both the discrepancies have a statistically important impact on human development.

Literature reappraisal

Harmonizing to economic experts, Korka ( 2000 ) , ”Education as an indispensable activity in the development of a society has undergone major alterations that set up themselves in new methods and theoretical accounts of modern instruction ” .

Another writer, Amartya Sen ( 2002 ) , say: ” Development occurs when people are able to roll up something that can do their life more valuable ”

But we all know that development is the cardinal component of economic advancement. Growth economic development is and an instrument for accomplishing the Millennium Development Goals whereas:

it leads to poverty decrease through increased investing in specific human development activities ;

it leads to increased grosss enabling the execution of policies in the field of human development.

In this respect, relevant is the statement of Michael Porter ( 1999 ) “ one of the growing engines is the concern success, because at the degree of the person concern the wealth is created, the merchandises are created, the services are provided, the productiveness additions and the wealth arises. Without concern there will be no economic advancement, there will be no human advancement. ”

One of specializers in instruction, Jacques Hallak ( 1990 ) , asserts that “ instruction is a human right because it leads to single creativeness, increases the engagement in the economic, societal, cultural activity in society, lending as such efficaciously to the human development ” .

The writers, Tau Ming ( 1996 ) have pointed out that macroeconomic fringy impact on different degrees of instruction varies greatly depending on the degree of development of that state.

In their work Hanushek and Kimko ( 2000 ) , analyzed the consequence of instruction quality on economic growing, placing that ”quality consequence is much greater than that of the measure of instruction, theory subsequently confirmed by other writers ” .

Description of the theoretical accounts and variables used in the arrested development theoretical account

In the scientific attack the writers took into history that the length of clip series ( figure of observations ) , meets merely in a certain step the theoretical demands due to miss of concrete informations determined by the alteration of instruction support in the old ages 1991-1992 ; hence, we believe that the consequences are utile for understanding the function of instruction for the addition of GDP per capita.

The experts in economic sciences: Capanu, Wagner, SecA?reanu ( 1997 ) province that “ the option for an index of monetary values by which the nominal footings sensory nerve to the variables should be deflated, must get down from the content of the component elements of the footings of the series of the variables values, viz. in the what the pecuniary looks are materialized. ” In this context, the statement that “ GDP consists of consumer goods and capital goods ” is wholly true. In its bend the monetary value index by which the nominal concluding production is deflated is the GDP deflator or the GDP monetary value index. This index is a Paasche type index.

”The grade of development of a society depends to a big extent on the educational expediture ” , Campeanu, ChirilA? , ManolicA? ( 2012 ) .

The instruction related disbursals represent money looks meant to cover a part of the disbursals involved in transporting on this activity, which finally are intended chiefly for ingestion ( chiefly salaries ) . Another part of the disbursals allocated for instruction are meant for this section of activity to be provided with capital goods.

Based on the finish of these disbursals we opted, with a position the instruction related nominal outgos to being deflated, for gross domestic merchandise deflator. With regard to the collinearity of the factorial variables, severally the outgos allocated to primary, secondary and third instruction, we assert that the collinearity is normal, because the size of disbursement allocated to a section limits the size of the other sections. Aware of this state of affairs, we recommend cautiousness in pulling decisions on the mutuality of these variables and GDP per capita.

Empirical informations sing higher instruction disbursals ( factorial variable ) and existent gross domestic merchandise ( outcome variable ) confirmed that a slowdown exists between the cause ( higher instruction disbursals ) and the consequence happening. Harmonizing to the cross correlativities between higher instruction disbursals and the existent GDP, and the higher instruction disbursals the highest correlativity coefficients are recorded in the event that slowdown of at least 3-4 old ages are used.

This means that the effects of higher instruction outgo ( gross domestic merchandise addition ) get down to emerge with a hold of at least 4 old ages. Therefore, the cross-correlation coefficients between existent GDP and higher instruction outgo have the undermentioned representation:

fig1 2 3

Figure 1: Cross-correlation coefficients between existent GDP and outgos ( in existent footings ) for higher instruction

The consequences sing the strength of the correlativity must be interpreted with cautiousness because of the length of the series available for the two variables.

From the analysis of cross correlativity coefficients between the existent GDP and outgos ( in existent footings ) for instruction the undermentioned representation consequences ( Figure 2 ) .

Figure 2: CoeficienA?ii cross correlativity between existent GDP and outgos ( in existent footings ) for instruction

The correlativity analysis ( Figure 2 ) has confirmed that between the two variables there is a common correlativity: GDP alteration is accompanied, as a regulation, by alterations in instruction disbursement. The spread in the instance of the correlativity between instruction disbursement ( Y ) and existent GDP ( X ) is of 1-2 old ages

The common dependance must be considered “ normal ” because the sum with which the “ educational ” activity contributes to GDP is represented at least partly, by the sum of the instruction disbursals.

As with other activities that produce public goods, the concluding production is non determined get downing from the activity, ,output ” but from the related “ input ” .

In the survey we have besides included the issue of correlativity between instruction disbursement and employment degrees.

Therefore, the empirical informations on unemployment rates and the instruction disbursement confirm that the degree and development of the unemployment rate are influenced by the instruction disbursals ( calculate 3 ) .

Fig1 2 5

Figure 3: Cross-correlation coefficients between the unemployment rate and disbursals ( in existent footings ) in instruction

Similar consequences are obtained by ciphering the unemployment arrested development rate depending on the instruction disbursals developments ( arrested development that is presented in table 1 ) . The computation method used is the method of the least squares.

Table 1: Unemployment rate computation of the costs of instruction

Dependent variable: RSOM

Method: Least squares

Adjusted sample: 1996 – 2005

Included observations: 10 after accommodations




of mistake

Statistical t-test







D_CH_INV_R ( -1 )










R square


A A A A Main dependant variable


Adjusted R square


Secondary dependant variable


Standard mistake of arrested development


A A A A Akaike information standard related


Residual amount of squares


A A A A Crieteriul Schwarz


Log likeliness


A A A A F statistic


Durbin-Watson statistic


A A Sample of F statistic


The information presented highlights the fact that the addition of instruction disbursement is accompanied by decrease in the unemployment rate over the following two old ages. Get downing from the fact that the influence of instruction degree on GDP per capita is different, we analyzed the dependance of GDP per capita on the degree of instruction: primary instruction ( X1 ) , secondary instruction ( X2 ) and third instruction ( X3 ) . Correlation coefficients of the four series are shown in the tabular array below.

Table 2: Dependence between GDP per capita and literacy

GDP per capita

Primary surveies

Secondary surveies

Third Education

GDP per capita





Primary surveies





Secondary surveies





Third Education





The theoretical account that describes the mutuality between GDP per capita and the three factorial variables is the additive map.

Therefore, the multiple additive arrested development map ensuing from this computation is:

which leads to the undermentioned comment: the arrested development coefficients are those who emphasize the being of a direct relationship between the increased disbursement allocated to the three degrees of instruction and the growing of GDP per capita.

The arrested development coefficients are contained between 0,128 ( third instruction ) and 0,480 ( secondary instruction ) , and indicate that the outgo on secondary instruction have the strongest influence on GDP per capita.

Similarly, in the survey, the importance of secondary instruction outgos on GDP per capita, is besides supported by the consequences of the arrested development ( GDP per capita ) depending on the three constituents of instruction outgo ( table 3 ) .

The addition of these disbursals by one unit is followed by an mean GDP per capita growing of 0,48 units. Intensity of correlativity between mentioned factorial variables and GDP per capita was measured and analyzed by agencies of correlativity coefficient.

Table 3: Correlation of secondary instruction outgo and GDP per capita

Dependent variable: L_GDP_PC

Method: Least squares

Adjusted sample: 1 to 30

Included observations: 25 after accommodations




of mistake

Statistical t-test






















R square


A A A A Main dependant variable


Adjusted R square


Secondary dependant variable


Standard mistake of arrested development


Akaike information standard related


Residual amount of squares


A A A A Crieteriul Schwarz


Log likeliness


A A A A F statistic


Durbin-Watson statistic


Sample of F statistic


Figure 4: Influence of secondary instruction on GDP

The consequences confirm the decisions based on arrested development in the sense that the most intense correlativity is registered between GDP per capita and outgo on secondary instruction ( 0,93 ) . The correlativity coefficients confirm that the factorial variables are non independent. The values aˆ‹aˆ‹of correlativity coefficients are between 0,76 and 0,94, which requires cautiousness in construing correlativities due to collinearity of the three constituents of instruction outgos.

In the survey we analyzed the dependance of instruction – homo development – GDP per capita. The coefficient of correlativity between the degree of instruction and human development index is 0,93, and between the instruction index and GDP per capita the correlativity coefficient is of 0,75.

These values aˆ‹aˆ‹suggest on the one manus, a strong relationship between degree of instruction and human development, and on the other manus, a high correlativity between the grade of economic development and instruction degree.

Estimating a arrested development equation between human development index ( the dependant variable ) and the instruction index, i.e. , GDP per capita ( as independent variables ) harmonizing to the econometric consequences, both variables have a statistically important impact on human development ( Table 4 ) .

Table 4: Correlation instruction – homo development – GDP per capita

Dependent variable: DEZVL_INDEX

Method: Least squares

Adjusted sample: 1 to 26

Included observations: 25 after accommodations




of mistake

Statistical t-test

ProbabiliyA A
















R square


A A A A Main dependant variable


Adjusted R square


A A A A Secondary dependant variable


Standard mistake of arrested development


A A A A Akaike information standard related


Residual amount of squares


A A A A Crieteriul Schwarz


Log likeliness


A A A A F statistic


Durbin-Watson statistic


A A A Sample of F statistic


Harmonizing to R-squared index, the two independent variables stand foring 98 % of the human development index.

CUSUM and CUSUM trials and as of Squares arrested development is stable ( Figure 5and 6 ) .


Figure 5: Graphic representation of the human development index, the index degree of instruction and GDP per capita ( CUSUM trial ) .

Figure 6: Graphic representation of the human development index, the index degree of instruction and GDP per capita ( CUSUM of squares test )

Consequently, the survey highlights the importance of instruction degree of persons, taking as such to the addition of economic development degrees and hence to the addition of GDP / capita.

Besides, the relation of instruction – homo development – GDP / capita shows the mutuality of the three constituents, and that instruction play an of import function in the economic development of a state.


In decision, the universe has recognized the function of instruction and its many benefits in bettering the economic and societal universe, instruction is called “ the most of import key to development and poorness decrease ” . The function of instruction in human capital accretion and human development is one of the foreground.

Consequently, the survey highlights the importance of instruction degree of persons, taking as such to the addition of economic development degrees and hence to the addition of GDP / capita. Besides, the relation of instruction – homo development – GDP / capita shows the mutuality of the three constituents.


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