The Higher Education Statistics Agency Education Essay

This survey explored how 4 pupils analyzing at the University of East Anglia understood the building of their CV. Students were employed through timeserving sampling and a loose interview agenda was used to enable participants to speak about issues they felt of import. Using constructivist grounded theory the analysis positioned two chief organizing elements: societal rating and Saliency. This survey provides grounds of CV building being a drama off between belonging to and standing out from the crowd.

Higher instruction has expanded well in many states in recent old ages. Figures from DfES, ( 2003 ) suggest that In the 1960s there were merely 200,000 full clip pupils, however the Higher instruction statistics bureau ( HESA ) figures show that in 2009-2010 there was a sum of 2,493,420 million pupils in higher instruction ( HESA 2011 ) and furthermore one and three one-fourth of a million of these were from the undergraduate population. This significant addition in engagement through higher instruction means that obtaining a grade has become much more platitude since the 1960s and therefore obtaining a grade is no longer as strongly linked to elitism, accordingly competition for alumnus occupations has increased well.

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The Higher Education Careers Service Unit ( HECSU ) ( 2010 ) study in 2009 found the figure of alumnuss that were unemployed six months after graduating, reached a record 8.9 % . Intelligibly, this increased competition and subsequent unemployment seems to hold hit 2009 and 2010 alumnuss ‘ assurance. In a study carried out by Alexander Mann Solutions ( AMS ) , ( 2010 ) suggests that merely 26 % of pupils surveyed said they were confident of happening a alumnus occupation place at some point in 2010.

These low assurance degrees seem to hold had a serious affect on alumnuss ‘ attack to occupation runing. Further research from the RBS pupil populating index ( 2007 ) suggests that about 40 per cent of working pupils are now in career-orientated occupations to better their chances amid frights that a grade entirely is no longer plenty to be successful after graduation. This suggests that this apparent addition in competition is holding some affects on the manner in which pupils view their clip at university.

One of the critical constituents to being a successful alumnus is the course of study vitae ( CV ) Based on the above treatments, competition for alumnuss seems to be increasing well and the influence on the pupils positions sing their CV is an country that needs to be investigated The current survey contributes to this research involvement by taking a closer expression at how competition is impacting and impacting pupils CV building. Therefore this survey, aimed to look into how pupils have adapted their experience of university with the turning competition in alumnus occupation markets. Because of the limited research in this country a constructivist grounded theory attack ( Charmaz, 2006 ) generated an inductive scrutiny which was centred on the research inquiry: With increased competition at university, how do university undergraduates enhance their Curriculum vitae?

ours is How do university pupils utilise available paid and voluntary chances to heighten their employability?

ours is How do university pupils utilise available paid and voluntary chances to heighten their employability?


It is apparent that increased engagement in higher instruction is doing jobs when happening alumnus occupations, therefore we introduced an inductive, constructivist grounded theory method ( Charmaz, 2006 ) in order to garner an interpretative apprehension of pupils positions on the building their CV ‘s which remained in line with the thought that the research worker besides plays a cardinal function. There has been disparity when sing attacks to anchor theory, but a cardinal impression of the theoretical account is that the method derives theory from informations ( Glaser & A ; Strauss, 1967 ) and hence the research worker should non near a undertaking with preconceived theory in head. ( Strauss & A ; Corbin, 1998 ) . Our initial literature reappraisal was undertaken lightly as we introduced a procedure in which literature was interwoven throughout the procedure of grounded theory ( Strauss & A ; Corbin, 1998 ) . The initial literature reappraisal suggested that farther research should be carried out, as current research is slightly limited sing CV building peculiarly for pupils who face high competition on their grade.


Following the methodological recommendations of the grounded theory tradition, theoretical sampling was implemented in order to maximize feedback we wanted to choose participants with changing experiences. The group selected hence represents the full spectrum, runing from first twelvemonth to concluding old ages at university after each interview had been carried out with codifications and thoughts distinguished. This would let us to make up one’s mind on what information to roll up following in order to assist us separate a more robust theory for illustration, coding from the first interview which was taken topographic point on a pupil with a CV this lead us to try a pupil with no CV, to see how the same thoughts would differ and see if any codifications remained similar.

During the procedure possible participants were approached, and asked if they were willing to be interviewed about their experiences sing friendly relationship via verbal invitation. In all, 4 female participants ( M =19.9 ) were recruited to finish the interview.


An ethics application signifier was produced, that identified the potentially sensitive nature of the interview. This was lodged with the university, and Ethical blessing was obtained through an appropriate University procedure. In order to garner our informations we developed an interview usher ( Appendix One ) nevertheless the interview usher varied well depending on how interviews proceeded, as it was of import to let participants to show themselves how they wished. The interview agenda was based on a reappraisal of the concerns in relevant literature, and personal experiences, wherever possible unfastened ended inquiries were used to arouse elaborate and rich responses. The full interview agenda is presented in Appendix Three. All interviews took topographic point in the interviewee ‘s place and took about 10 proceedingss to finish.

The first interview was conducted as a pilot interview and feedback was given on the inquiries, the content and the ethical facets of the interview. The pilot did non raise any major demand for alterations in these countries and utile feedback was received hence we went on to utilize this interview in our analysis.

Participants were presented with an information sheet ( Appendix One ) which informed them of the voluntary nature of their engagement. Before each interview participants were reminded of their rights and asked to subscribe a consent signifier ( Appendix Two ) . For confidentiality grounds the names of participants were non known. The interviews took topographic point face to face either in the research workers or the participants ‘ places. The interviewer used a audio recording equipment in order to accurately transcribe the interview at a ulterior day of the month, the participant was informed of this and had the right to decline if they so wished. During interviews, some pupils showed regret and guilt about non holding completed their CV ‘s as of yet. In the debriefing procedure they were advised of specific services on campus should they necessitate to seek aid with their CV. ( Appendix Four ) Participants were to the full debriefed sing the purpose of the research survey,


Data analysis took topographic point by implementing a constructivist grounded theory attack, foremost all interviews were transcribed and invariably analyzed in order to garner an apprehension of the transcripts the comparative method was implemented, unfastened cryptography was used in which the transcripts were analyzed line by line, to set up cardinal thoughts, ideas and descriptions of subjects within the text. Once all transcripts had been coded we so went on to compare these codifications in order to verify their descriptive content and to corroborate that the thoughts were coincident. Second the codifications were sorted into distinguishable classs, in order to place the cardinal classs and subjects. These stairss were non purely consecutive ; alternatively the procedure involved re-examination of the major codifications and classs In the undermentioned subdivision, the whole theoretical account will be described foremost, followed by a presentation of its parts. The ground for this order is that the parts receive their significance when understood in relation to the whole theoretical account


Participants presented a assortment of subjects which seemed to coexist with current competition degrees. The theoretical theoretical account starts the account of the relationship between belonging to and standing out from the crowd, Data from the interviewees show that pupils have different readings of their CV building. Overall participants seemed to use societal comparing with others and therefore utilised those experiences which demonstrated saliency compared to others, in order to stand out from the crowd when come ining the occupation market these were really of import subjects in the building of pupils CVs. This showed that a balance of both procedures in which effort to stay on par with their societal group while using experiences which make them unique was indispensable.

Social Comparison

A cardinal subject that emerged through the analysis was that pupils where invariably measuring their ain CV building every bit good as comparing their experiences with others on their class in order to garner an apprehension of their ain place and advancement. This constituent of rating seemed to develop more as the persons become more experient and defined a much more focussed calling pick. This is demonstrated by Student A in the infusion below

”I believe I have done rather a batch for my CV compared to some of my couples making other classs but because mine is such a focussed class I think its easier for me ”

This pupil uses the word ‘compared to ‘ in order to show societal comparing this shows that a cardinal component when sing personal advancement sing CV building, is societal activities, pupils can pick up on the advancement of other pupils and this changes their position on how to build their ain CV to do them different or better. Therefore, repeating the thought that there is a thrust for pupils to look at outside influences, such as their fellow pupils in order to measure their ain sentiments and abilities, in respects to their CV. Further ratings can come from household and outside influences in the work topographic point, Student B demonstrates that household has influenced their CV building by stating.

”I copied the format off my brother Ben, hes a successful concern adult male ”

This pupil clearly demonstrates an rating and comparing of his ain CV against his brothers who the pupil besides adds is ”very successful ” . This association between his brothers CV and subsequent success in calling pick is likely to hold encouraged this pupil to besides make a CV in order to go a similar success in his calling pick, and therefore through rating and comparing of those influential people around him he has besides created a CV.

Further analysis through theoretical sampling, in which we decided to interview an person with no CV showed that this pupil did non demo rating with household or friends and did non look really informed about his CV. This pupil does non look to hold the same support construction as others in footings of household and friends there was no mention throughout the interview of any household or friends who had completed their CV, and this suggests that it is the influence of these people that encourages and stimulates people to compose their ain CV ‘s through a procedure of societal comparing.


The bulk of survey respondents discussed that the chances they felt would most efficaciously heighten their CV ‘s was those which demonstrated that they were alone to others viing for similar places, respondents systematically used the word ”stand out ” to show the thought of saliency for illustration pupil A says

I did n’t desire to lose out on the work experience chance because I thought that would be so much more valuable to my CV in doing me stand out. ”

Equally good as showing that competition is still influential in pupils positions of building their Curriculum vitae. The thought of salience besides demonstrates that pupils feel that they must hold qualities that contrast from others in order for future employers to detect them as diverse and alone. Therefore repeating the pupils thought that the feeling you make on an employer and therefore subsequent employment is determined by any factor that makes you stand out from those around you, this was systematically demonstrated throughout all transcripts pupil B expressed that

I gave up paid work because I did n’t desire to lose out on the work experience chance because I though that would be so much more valuable to my CV in doing me stand out. ”

This reiterates the importance that pupils are puting on those experiences or chances which are traveling to do them alone and sole to the employer. Furthermore Student B illustrates the forfeit of taking on voluntary unpaid work if it meant their CV would be more admirable and alone to employers which will convey them more attending when they come to happening a occupation at the terminal of university.

Student C summarises both thoughts of societal comparing and salience in the undermentioned statement,

”I found it really hard to even acquire on to my university class so I am fearing seeking to happen a occupation at the endaˆ¦ yeh I think that is the chief ground why I thought it was of import to make some other things like voluntary work.. I will necessitate something to do me that excess spot better than everyone else ”

This demonstrates a complex procedure of societal comparing, in which the pupil described comparings with other individual their class, and saliency in which the thought of standing out appears as vital for pupils CV building. Therefore equilibrating belonging to and standing out from the crowd is critical


From the analysis it is clear to see that several of our qualitative findings converged with the literature reappraisal ; studies systematically illustrate a immense addition in engagement through higher instruction, and however this was a common and consistent subject of the pupils transcripts presented here. The responses expanded upon this thought of competition by associating their feelings of CV building to societal comparing with many responses exemplifying the thought that pupils tend to compare their ain experiences with others around them. Furthermore salience emerged as another cardinal value and duty in order to stand out in the heightened competitory market.

Because of the nature of grounded theory we had non planned to analyze the subject countries exposed above, therefore after detecting the cardinal subjects farther literature hunts were undertaken. These suggested that the thought of societal comparing and saliency are of import factors throughout the literature. The thought of salience is supported by many societal psychological science surveies such as the solo black survey. In 1977 experiments, to measure the feelings of a solo black pupil who was the lone black in one category were undertaken. Findingss demonstrated that ratings of the solo black were much more utmost. If the individual was pleasant, the lone black was judged more favorably, compared to category which was split equally among inkinesss and Whites. ( Sears, Peplau and Taylor ) Such findings can be applied to CV building as our research found that pupils experience it is the campaigner who stands out positively from all other campaigners that will do the most utmost feeling and is therefore more likely to be hired. This is supported farther by Chiumento ( 2009 ) research into the enlisting market which marked standing out from the crowd as a cardinal facet of success in occupation applications. Furthermore Cognitive psychological science besides attributes much of perceptual experience, attending and choice to the thought of saliency ; without uncertainty these theories can be applied to CV building particularly in the Western universe, where alone behavior is typically viewed as more desirable than subservient behavior.

Social comparing theory was a construct originally introduced by Leon Festinger ( 1954 ) , as being a thrust for persons to compare and measure themselves with others around them. Further literature by Kemmelmeier & A ; Oyserman ( 2001 ) suggests that males are viewed as more independent ; they see themselves as separate persons. Women, on the other manus, are more reciprocally dependent, and specify themselves in the context of their relationships with others, therefore male ratings are likely to differ to those of females in respects to the features which will assist to specify, develop and keep their CV. As such, societal comparings can merely be viewed as of import subjects to females positions on CV building and farther literature reappraisals would be required to look into whether societal comparings are of import for CV building for males.

The interviewed participants shared many common societal and cultural experiences. Further surveies which recruit a wider scope of participants would be required in order to understand how such procedures occur in more collectivized civilizations For illustration, in corporate school. such as those found in Mexico, harmoniousness and cooperation in larning are stressed alternatively of competition, as the thought of fight and standing out is one which is really much associated with individualistic civilizations transporting out farther surveies in both civilizations may good demo a cardinal cultural fluctuation in footings of viing for occupations and CV building.

Although implementing a constructivist attack to grounded theory ( Charmaz, 2006 ) to researching the building of CV for pupils enabled us to capture the importance of each subject for peculiar persons. It besides presents some restrictions in footings of the consequence that the interviewers may hold had on the respondent ‘s natural responses. As each interviewer and participant engaged together in an act, the interviewees responses must take history of the function that the research worker played. As analysis of the transcripts was carried out by my ego, the decisions reached, are restricted to my ain values and beliefs and hence, farther qualitative attacks would be required in order to use findings on a wider graduated table.

In decision to our research inquiry: With increased competition at university, how do university undergraduates enhance their Curriculum vitae? Our findings suggest that in general, pupils tend to equilibrate the procedure of belonging to and standing out from the crowd when heightening their CV. Belonging to the crowd is indispensable in order to take portion in societal comparings and societal ratings nevertheless in order to be successful in their calling they besides need to stand out from the crowd, therefore in these instances, it seems it is this balance between these contrasting factors which is of import for pupils CV building and enhancemnt. Future surveies should go on to research these links, distinguished above, with the purpose to incorporate more diverse participants as this would let a fuller image about pupil CV building to emerge.


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