The Six Dimensions of Culture Essay

Armed with a big database of cultural statistics. Hofstede analyzed the consequences and found clear forms of similarity and difference amid the responses along these five dimensions. Interestingly. his research was done on employees of IBM merely. which allowed him to impute the forms to national differences in civilization. mostly extinguishing the job of differences in company civilization. The six dimensions are:

1. Power/Distance ( PD ) “Power distance is the extent to which the less powerful members of organisations and establishments ( like the household ) accept and expect that power is distributed unevenly. ” Cultures that endorse low power distance expect and accept power dealingss that are more advisory or democratic. The cardinal issue here is how a society handles inequalities among people. Peoples in societies exhibiting a big grade of power distance accept a hierarchal order in which everybody has a topographic point and which needs no farther justification. In societies with low power distance. people strive to equalise the distribution of power and demand justification for inequalities of power.

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2. Individuality ( IDV ) The high side of this dimension. called Individuality. can be defined as a penchant for a loosely-knit societal model in which persons are expected to take attention of themselves and their immediate households merely. Its opposite. Bolshevism. represents a penchant for a tightly-knit model in society in which persons can anticipate their relations or members of a peculiar in-group to look after them in exchange for unquestioning trueness. A society’s place on this dimension is reflected in whether people’s self-image is defined in footings of “I” or “we. ”

3. Masculinity ( MAS ) This refers to how much a society sticks with. and values. traditional male and female functions. High MAS tonss are found in states where work forces are expected to be “tough. ” to be the supplier. and to be self-asserting. If adult females work outside the place. they tend to hold separate professions from work forces. Low MAS tonss do non change by reversal the gender functions. In a low MAS society. the functions are merely blurred. You see adult females and work forces working together every bit across many professions. Work force are allowed to be sensitive. and adult females can work hard for professional success.

4. Uncertainty/Avoidance Index ( UAI ) This relates to the grade of anxiousness society members feel when in unsure or unknown state of affairss. High UAI-scoring states try to avoid equivocal state of affairss whenever possible. They are governed by regulations and order and they seek a corporate “truth. ” Low UAI tonss indicate the society enjoys fresh events and values differences. There are really few regulations and people are encouraged to detect their ain truth.

5. Long Term Orientation ( LTO ) The long-run orientation dimension can be interpreted as covering with society’s hunt for virtuousness. Societies with a short-run orientation by and large have a strong concern with set uping the absolute Truth. They are normative in their thought. They exhibit great regard for traditions. a comparatively little leaning to salvage for the hereafter. and a focal point on accomplishing speedy consequences. In societies with a long-run orientation. people believe that truth depends really much on state of affairs. context and clip. They show an ability to accommodate traditions to alter conditions. a strong leaning to salvage and put economy. and doggedness in accomplishing consequences.

6. Locus of Control Internal Locus of Control: * Control over outside events is mostly internal. within the person. * Stress the strength of will and finding ; fortunes do non hold to be accepted as they are. * There are no bounds on what I can make or go. so long as I set my head to it and do the necessary attempt. * Life is in big portion what one makes of it.

* Example: Cultures in North America have an internal venue of control. External Locus of Control: * Control is considered to be external to the person. * Many facets of life are predetermined. and can non be controlled. * There are bounds beyond which we can non travel and certain presumptions that can non be changed and must be accepted. * Life happens TO you. * Example: Cultures in the Middle East and South America have an external venue of control.


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