The Relationship Of Foreign Aid Economic Development Economics Essay

The hurt of Under Developed Countries like Pakistan, holding resources to go a developed state, but, have non to the full attained their possible, is related with the job of Poverty.A At the clip of independency, Pakistan was a hapless and capital scarce state. Bing a new born province it faced a batch of economic, societal and political jobs. Since the resources for economic growing were short in supply, need for foreign aid was felt and attempts were carried out to hold good dealingss with western developed states like USA and as an result assistance started to flux to Pakistan.

Since independency assistance to Pakistan had assorted tendencies. There were times when heavy aid was provided both by the US and other assistance supplying individualities like World Bank and IMF, on the other manus the times when about no assistance at all for every bit long as decennary.

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United States is the base entirely major assistance supplying state to Pakistan since independency. In February 1954 US president Eisenhower announced that his state will supply a significant military assistance to Pakistan and seven months subsequently Pakistan signed SEATO and following twelvemonth Baghdad treaty and assistance started to flux to Pakistan. Pakistan economic system during 1960, s progressed both in agribusiness and industrial sector and major part was from foreign assistance.

In April 1979 US cutoff all the assistance to Pakistan due to the allegation that Pakistan is developing atomic device and bulk of the assistance money is being used for this intent. Then started the Afghani war and US-Pakistan dealingss turned friendly once more and assistance started to flux. During 1990, s which is called the doomed epoch in Pakistan economic system, assistance from US came to hesitate once more due to Pressler amendment ( 1985 ) . In the start of the new century, nature had some more surprises and on September 9, 2001, a hawkish onslaught on US assets turned the tabular array around for assistance to Pakistan. After 9-11 incidence assistance increased by many creases and General Pervaiz Musharaf became one of the most sure ally to US authorities for their war against terrorist act and most assistance was provided to Pakistan with small answerability. Now in 2012 assistance to Pakistan from US is once more on its critical degree due to some political point.

The above mentioned brief history of assistance to Pakistan by US concludes that aid to Pakistan remained delicate and bulk of it was provided on political evidences. This instability has hampered Pakistan economic system more than assisting, so as to finish any development program successfully. Since US is the tendency compositor in assistance

supplying to any state due to its place in the universe economic systems, other states follow her policies and as an result Pakistan faced jobs in acquiring finance for its development undertakings. Therefore assistance non turn outing helpful for economic advancement of the state is raising inquiries that so why at all Pakistan is following the policy of depending on foreign assistance for its development.

Anwar and Michaelowa ( 2006 ) gave alternate political economic account of giving assistance by the donor state like US on the land to strength of anterooms of any state in finding the allotment of assistance to a recipient state like Pakistan alternatively of giving assistance on economic and development evidences. The survey considers Pakistan every bit good as Indian anterooms. For this intent, two different hypotheses were tested: foremost, clip series arrested developments of assistance resources allotted to Pakistan for the period of 1980-02 and secondly logistic arrested developments represented result of ballots for US congressional two amendments ( the Pressler amendment in 1985 and the Brown amendment ) on US assistance to Pakistan. The survey concluded that clip series arrested developments and logistic arrested developments based on ballots for the Pressler and the Brown Amendment confirms the significance of the political economic determiners. In instance of the Pressler Amendment, the direct influence of population groups of Indian and Pakistan origins seem to hold played a outstanding function. In instance of the Brown Amendment the function of the Ethnic Business Lobbies appears to hold dominant consequence. Furthermore clip series analysis showed little impact of US concern involvements based on FDI and exports.

Anwar Mumtaz ( 2006 ) analyzes the determiners of many-sided assistance from international fiscal establishments ( IFIs ) to Pakistan, concentrating on the universe three major IFIs, the World Bank, the IMF and the ADB Relevant political economic factor could be bureaucratic involvements and major stockholders economic involvements. Internal calling constructions and future chances of obtaining better places in their place states authoritiess provide an inducement to the administrative officials working at many-sided fiscal establishments to pay out money to their place states. major stockholder states ‘ economic and political involvements and the several states ‘ voting power at IFIs, are besides considered as the major determiners of loaning to the developing states IFIs provide both fiscal support and policy advice to Pakistan Stone ( 2004 ) notes that neither of the IMF ‘s loaning determinations had anything to make with Pakistan ‘s domestic economic direction, which continued to be hapless. Barro and Lee ( 2002 ) , observed Pakistan was among the five development states which had the highest figure of professional staff at the IMF in 1999. Pakistan joined World Bank in July 1950 and Pakistan is among the top

10 receivers of World Bank imparting The Asian Development Bank has been the 2nd largest beginning of many-sided funding to Pakistan.

Aid effectivity for economic advancement of a underdeveloped state like Pakistan has remained a controversial issue in the literature of all time since 1943 when Rosenstein-Rodan stressed for the demand of Aid aid to Western and Central Europe. There are clearly two schools of idea every bit far as assistance effectivity is concerned.

One group maintains that Aid is fruitful and necessary for the development of less developed and hapless states. The thought behind this attack is the two spread theoretical account i.e. Saving-Investment and the import-Export spread as put frontward by Chenery and Strout ( 1966 ) . A less developed state with limited resources and nest eggs can non finance these two spreads and therefore Aid plays an of import function in bridging these spreads and therefore development of the state. Burnside and Dollar ( 2000, p. 847 ) and World Bank surveies conclude that Aid is utile for those states which have good financial, pecuniary and trade policies. On the other side there are a batch of surveies which support the thought that assistance has little or no consequence on economic growing.

Empirical groundss of Boone ( 1996 ) provided the negative impact of Aid on economic development of the state.

Since there is considerable argument sing the effectivity of assistance on economic growing so the intent of the present survey is to look into the impact of foreign assistance on GDP growing in Pakistan over clip. The survey contains six subdivisions. Section I is Introduction, Section II contains a reappraisal of the literature, Section III covers the issues as why different surveies provide different consequences sing effectivity of foreign assistance on growing, and Section IV is the impact of foreign assistance on GDP growing of Pakistan V concludes the survey and VI gives the policy recommendations.

Types of Foreign Aid

Foreign assistance is the transportation of resources from a rich state to a hapless state. It is capable to certain restrictions, which generate assorted signifiers of foreign assistance.

Financial Aid

The simplest signifier of capital influx is the proviso of exchangeable foreign exchange but really small foreign capital so comes to the under-developed universe so handily. If any divergency from this signifier is described by stating that “ strings are attached ” so about all foreign public capital has twine. Financial assistance is divided into different sub signifier.

Tied Aid

Tied assistance is of three types. One is state tied and the 2nd is project tied and last one is dual tied.

I. State Tied

Nation tied assistance is given to a recipient state on the status that it will pass it in the donor state to work out the BOP jobs of that state and to excite exports. For illustration, if Pakistan is given assistance by US and is asked to import natural stuff and machinery from US merely, so it is state tied or resource tied assistance.

two. Undertaking Tied

Project tied assistance is given merely for specific undertakings and the recipient state can non switch it to another undertaking.

three. Double Tied

When state tied or resources tied and undertaking tied are combined so it is called double tied assistance.

Untied Aid

Foreign assistance, which is non tied to any undertaking or state, is called unfastened assistance. It is in all respects, better than the tied assistance because it offers more efficient usage of foreign resources.

Untied assistance is much desired because the recipient state is non bound to pass foreign resources on specific undertakings in the donor state.


It is borrowing of foreign exchange by a hapless county from a rich state to finance short term or long term undertakings. These are sub-divided into two types capable to this standard:

Difficult loans

Difficult loans are given in order to finance industrial imports and are given normally for a period of five old ages or less. It contains no concessional elements but involvement rate is normally lower than the predominating rate in international market. The grace period is really much limited, punishment is paid after termination of fixed clip period.

Soft Loans

Soft loans are usually given for 10-30 old ages. Interest on these loans is less than difficult loans and frequently these loans involve a grace period. Concessional elements are relatively greater.


A grant is that signifier of foreign assistance, which does non imply either payment of the principal or involvement. It is a free gift from one authorities to another or from an establishment to a authorities. It is much desired because it increases internal outgo and generates income. It is given on a human-centered footing, particularly in times of exigencies, temblors, inundations, wars or other particular intents.

Commodity Aid

It is another type of tied assistance, which relates to trade goods such as agricultural merchandises, natural stuffs and consumer goods. It helps in commanding dearth and keeping the gait of industries by supplying natural stuffs to the industrial sector. It would be more helpful if it is provided in hard currency signifier because a state can so purchase more trade goods from cheaper beginnings. Commodity aid some times has a cheerless consequence on agribusiness monetary values in a recipient state, so it serves as a deterrence for the agribusiness sector. The donor state may hold much political influence on a recipient state.

A 2nd type of trade good assistance is a nutrient grain loan, which is given in the signifier of nutrient grains. For illustration, US gives nutrient grains to a hapless state under Public Law ( PL 480 ) and the financess obtained from it are used on American companies and bureaus working in the receiver states.

Technical Aid

Technical assistance is tied assistance and is utile for a recipient state as it increases the pacing of economic development by utilizing modern engineering in some specific sectors of the economic system. Under this assistance programmed preparation installations are provided by the donor state, which bears all the outgos involved in the preparation of consultative technocrats.

Technical aid from giver ‘s point of position has two chief signifiers. First, people are recruited in the donor state for service overseas partially, frequently mostly, at the disbursal of the donor authorities. Second, scholarships and preparation installations are provided in the donor state.

Government might every bit good be given more fiscal aid and left to make up one’s mind for itself, what fraction of the assistance should be spent on the services of foreign experts and on instruction and preparation overseas.

A farther utile property of proficient aid in educational and preparation installations in donor states is that the giver and receiver authoritiess have a function in taking the classs and choice of campaigners. The types of preparation offered could be closely geared to the demand of the receiver ‘s economic system.

Whatever be the fright of foreign influence, developing states must import foreign accomplishments and instruction if they are to accomplish economic advancement. Even isolation like the Russian or Nipponese theoretical accounts would non be a executable policy for any of the developing states at this phase because they do non yet possess a sufficient figure of trained and skilled people, or the finding to present proficient alteration, which the Russians and Nipponese possessed in the late 19th century.

Foreign Direct Investment

Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) is besides included in the class of foreign assistance. In Pakistan, the illustrations of FDI are Lever Brothers, Reckitt and Colman, Bata, and Philips etc.

It is sometimes argued that foreign direct investing is much cheaper for a recipient state because it need no payment of chief or involvement. But it is besides argued that the net income escape may transcend the sum of refund. FDI brings proficient cognize how to developing states. But proficient know how can be purchased at cheaper rates on commercial footing if possible. So the FDI may hold positive every bit good as negative consequence for developing states.

Military Aid

Although the defence of a state plays an of import function in its development and concern activities, a school of idea based on an economic point of view frequently excludes it from foreign assistance because it does non make an immediate and direct consequence on the economic activities of the state

Beginnings of Foreign Aid

There is no alone beginning of foreign assistance. It may be from a individual state or from a group of states. On the footing of the sort of giver we may split foreign assistance in two types:

I. Bilateral Aid

AS defined in the

“ Aid from aA singleA donorA state to a individual receiver state, in contrast toA many-sided assistance ”

Aid that is given from the authorities of one giver state to a recipient state is called bilateral assistance. It is fundamentally a one to one relationship of two provinces. It depends upon the political and economic relationships of the two states coupled with the will of the donor state.

two. Multilateral Aid

As defined in

“ Aid provided by a group of states, or anA institutionA stand foring a group of states such as theA World Bank, to one or more recipient states, in contrasts to bilateral assistance. ”

Multilateral assistance is given by certain international fiscal establishments, bureaus or organisations to the authoritiess of developing states. It is distributed in a just mode in order to raise the gait of economic development.

Why Developing Countries Accept Aid

It is really of import to cognize that “ Why Developing Countries Accept Aid? ” Even in really difficult and restrictive environment. Following are three grounds can break specify this reply.

Economic Reasons

The major ground is that economic ground, as developing states frequently tended of accept foreign assistance because it is of import ingredient in development procedure. The less developed states have limited of panic domestic resources so they have to depend on foreign assistance for economic growing. Therefore developing states accept assistance for their economic development.

Poor and less developed states have to accept foreign assistance on giver ‘s perceptual experience, so which may do struggles on the land of function of assistance but besides on footing of sum and conditions. By and large developing states would wish to accept assistance in signifier of outright and long footings loans on less cost with less conditions attached.

Political Reasons

Political factor besides holding greater influence on the accepting the foreign assistance by the development states. In some states Aid is conceived by both giver and receiver as supplying greater political support to bing leading to supercharge the resistance to do itself in power.

Vietnam provided the most dramatic illustration of this assistance phenomenon in the sixtiess, as possibly Iran did in the 1970s and Central America in the 1980s ; many other 3rd universe states have a similar political motive. The job is that when assistance is accepted by the developing state they are compelled to forestall economic and political involvements of giver states, which cause that the giver states intervenes the internal personal businesss of recipient states.

Moral Motivation The advocators of foreign assistance in developed and developing states believe that it is moral duty of rich states to back up the economic and societal development of 3rd universe states.

Literature Review

Papanek ( 1973 ) in a cross-country arrested development analysis of 34 states in the 1950s and 51 states in the1960s, handling foreign assistance, foreign investing, other flows and domestic nest eggs as explanatory variables, finds that foreign assistance has a well greater consequence on growing than the other variables. He explains that “ assistance, unlike domestic nest eggs, can make full the foreign exchange spread every bit good as the nest eggs spread.

Chenery and Carter ( 1973 ) , following the old two-gap derived theoretical account of Chenery and Strout ( 1966 ) and utilizing informations from 50 states over the period 1960-1970, demo that the effects of Official Development Assistance ( ODA ) on the development public presentation of states under survey are different among certain groups of states. In five states, Namely Taiwan, Korea, Iran, Thailand and Kenya, foreign aid accelerated economic growing whereas in six instances it retarded growing, that is, India, Colombia, Ghana, and Tunisia, Ceylon and Chile.

Fayissa and El-Kaissy ( 1999 ) , in a survey of 77 states over sub-periods 1971-1980, 1981-1990 and 1971-1990, utilizing the modern economic growing theories show that foreign assistance positively affects economic growing in developing states.

Mallick ( 2004 ) .The survey found that both hypothesis were non rejected and concluded that US-Foreign Aid has positive correlativity with GDP growing and more US-Foreign Aid will advance GDP and besides found that US-foreign assistance have important impact on Pakistan ‘s existent GDP growing. This survey is the illustration of bilateral assistance i.e. , resource flow from US authorities to Pakistan authorities and besides suggested that this survey can be extended for the period of 1947 to 2003 and more socio economic and pecuniary variables will be included to cut down stochastic mistake term.

Mohey-ud-Din ( 2005 ) analyzed the impact of foreign assistance on GDP growing rate in Pakistan for period of 1960-2002.The survey used quadratic arrested development theoretical account and used GDP as a dependant variable and ODA as an explanatory variable. The survey found positive consequence of assistance on GDP in Pakistan but besides showed with the addition in GDP the influx of ODA besides increases but at a diminishing rate.

Mohey-ud-Din ( 2006 ) observed the impact of foreign capital influx ( FCI ) on GDP growing in Pakistan during 1975-04. The survey examined that FCI have positive impact on GDP growing in Pakistan. It means that GDP increases as the of FCI ( ODA + FDI ) increases. So the overall impact of the assistance on the economic development was positive.

In this respect the work of David Dollar and Craig Burnside ‘s work is appreciable. In twelvemonth 2000 they analyze panel growing arrested developments for 56developing states and six four-year periods ( 1970-93 ) and checked the effectivity of assistance on growing. They got healthy consequence by seeking a assortment of specification that include or exclude in-between income states, outliers and dainty policies as exogenic or endogenous. They in the terminal concluded that Aid has a positive impact on growing in developing states with good financial, pecuniary, and trade policy.

Anwar and Michaelowa ( 2006 ) gave alternate political economic account of giving assistance by the donor state like US on the land to strength of anterooms of any state in finding the allotment of assistance to a recipient state like Pakistan alternatively of giving assistance on economic and development evidences. The survey considers Pakistan every bit good as Indian anterooms. For this intent, two different hypotheses were tested: foremost, clip series arrested developments of assistance resources allotted to Pakistan for the period of 1980-02 and secondly logistic arrested developments represented result of ballots for US congressional two amendments ( the Pressler amendment in 1985 and the Brown amendment ) on US assistance to Pakistan. The survey concluded that clip series arrested developments and logistic arrested developments based on ballots for the Pressler and the Brown Amendment confirms the significance of the political economic determiners. In instance of the Pressler Amendment, the direct influence of population groups of Indian and Pakistan origins seem to hold played a outstanding function. In instance of the Brown Amendment the function of the Ethnic Business Lobbies appears to hold dominant consequence. Furthermore clip series analysis showed little impact of US concern involvements based on FDI and exports.

Anwar Mumtaz ( 2006 ) analyzes the determiners of many-sided assistance from international fiscal establishments ( IFIs ) to Pakistan, concentrating on the universe three major IFIs, the World Bank, the IMF and the ADB Relevant political economic factor could be bureaucratic involvements and major stockholders economic involvements. Internal calling constructions and future chances of obtaining better places in their place states authoritiess provide an inducement to the administrative officials working at many-sided fiscal establishments to pay out money to their place states. major stockholder states ‘ economic and political involvements and the several states ‘ voting power at IFIs, are besides considered as the major determiners of loaning to the developing states IFIs provide both fiscal support and policy advice to Pakistan Stone ( 2004 ) notes that neither of the IMF ‘s loaning determinations had anything to make with Pakistan ‘s domestic economic direction, which continued to be hapless. Barro and Lee ( 2002 ) , observed Pakistan was among the five development states which had the highest figure of professional staff at the IMF in 1999Pakistan united World Bank in July 1950 and Pakistan is among the top 10 receivers of World Bank imparting The Asian Development Bank has been the 2nd largest beginning of many-sided funding to Pakistan.

Lensink and Morrissey ( 2001 ) in a cross-country survey of 88 states including 20 developing states studied the consequence of volatility of FDI flows on growing over the 1970-1998 periods. They estimated the standard theoretical account utilizing transverse subdivision, panel informations and instrumental variable techniques. Whilst all consequences were non wholly robust, there was a consistent determination that FDI has a positive consequence on growing whereas volatility of FDI has a negative impact..

Knack ( 2000 ) , in a cross-country analysis, indicates that higher assistance degrees erode the quality of administration indices, i.e. bureaucratism, corruptness and the regulation of jurisprudence. He argues that “ aid dependance can potentially undermine institutional quality, promoting rent seeking and corruptness

Svensson ( 1998 ) analyzed Large assistance influxs do non needfully ensue in general public assistance additions and high outlook of assistance may increase rent-seeking and cut down the expected public goods quality. Furthermore, there is no grounds that givers take corruptness into history earnestly while supplying assistance

Khan and Ahmed ( 2007 ) tried to look into if foreign assistance is a approval or a expletive for Pakistan. The survey analyzed the aid-growth relation at sum and dis-aggregate degree and used car regressive distributed slowdown ( ARDL ) co-integration technique for the period of 1972 to 2006. The survey found negative and undistinguished consequence of foreign assistance on growing at the aggregative degree every bit good as dis-aggregate degree. Hence foreign assistance is non blessing but it is a expletive for Pakistan.

With this mix literature, my accent is to look into impact of foreign assistance on GDP growing on Pakistan economic system.

Contradictions in Aid Effectiveness

Disputes about assistance effectivity on growing go back over the past three decennaries. Three wide positions have emerged on the relationship between assistance and growing.

Aid has no consequence on growing, and may really sabotage growing.

Aid has a positive relationship with growing on norm, although non in every state but with diminishing returns.

Aid has a conditional relationship with growing, assisting to speed up growing merely under certain circumstances.A

The protagonists of first proposition that assistance has no consequence on growing, and may really destabilise growing put several grounds why assistance might non back up growing. It can be wasted on cockamamie disbursals such as presidential castles, or it can promote corruptness. Aid flows potentially can sabotage inducements for both private and authorities salvaging. They can besides prolong bad authoritiess in power, assisting to go on hapless economic policies and hold reforms.

This position has been supported by a scope of empirical surveies, largely published from the early 1970s through the mid-1990s. While these surveies have been influential, many are of dubious quality, particularly utilizing today ‘s research criterions. For illustration, most assume merely a simple additive relationship between assistance and growing in which each new dollar of assistance has precisely the same impact on growing as the first ( extinguishing the possibility of decreasing returns ) and ignore possible endogenous, in which faster growing might pull higher assistance, or both might be caused by something else among other issues. A paper by RaghuramRajan and Arvind Subramanian ( 2005 ) , which besides assumes a simple additive relationship for most of its consequences, stands in crisp contrast to the majority of recent research on the issue.

The advocators of the 2nd proposition claim thatA assistance can back up growing by funding investing or by increasing worker productiveness ( for illustration, through investings in wellness or instruction ) . It can convey new engineering or cognition, either fixed in capital goods imports or through proficient aid. Several early surveies found a positive relationship between assistance and growing, but this facet of the literature took a important bend in the mid-1990s when research workers began to look into whether assistance might spur growing with decreasing returns-that is, that the impact of extra assistance would worsen as assistance sums grew. Unusually, since economic theory and research had recognized the importance of decreasing returns on investing since the 1950s, research on assistance and growing until the mid-1990s tested merely a additive relationship, a specification that ( surprisingly ) persists in some surveies even today.

Although they have received relatively less popular attending, most of these surveies have found a strong aid-growth relationship, including research by Michael Hadjimichael and co-workers at the IMF in the mid-1990s, and the work of Carl-Johan Dalgaard, Henrik Hansen, Finn Tarp, Robert Lensink, Howard White, and others between 1999 and 2005. These surveies typically do non reason that assistance has ever worked, but instead that, on norm, higher assistance flows have been connected with more rapid growing.

The “ conditional ” position normally argues that assistance effectivity depends upon either recipient features or giver patterns.

Features of Receipts state

World Bank research workers Jonathon Isham, Daniel Kaufmann, and Lant Pritchett opened this line of question in 1995 by happening that World Bank undertakings had higher rates of returns in states with stronger civil autonomies. Craig Burnside and David Dollar followed with their influential survey that concluded that assistance stimulated growing in states with good policies, but non otherwise. Others have proposed different features that might impact the aid-growth relationship, including exposure to merchandise dazes, clime, institutional quality, political struggle, and geographics. The statistical consequences of these surveies tend to be delicate, nevertheless, and subsequent research has questioned some of the consequences.

However, the position that assistance works best ( or in a stronger version, assistance works merely ) in states with good policies and establishments has become the conventional wisdom among givers, partially based on this research and partially due to development practicians ‘ ain experiences. The entreaty of this attack is that it can explicate why assistance seems to hold supported growing in some states but non others. This logical thinking has had an tremendous impact on givers, particularly the many-sided development Bankss, and is the foundation of the U.S. Millennium Challenge Account ( Radelet, 2003 ) .

Donor patterns

Multilateral assistance might be more effectual than bilateral assistance, and unfastened assistance is thought to hold higher returns than assistance tied to purchases in the donor state. Donors with big bureaucratisms, heavy coverage demands, or uneffective monitoring and rating systems likely undermine the effectivity of their ain plans. Two influential and overlapping positions argue that assistance is more effectual when givers allow for greater “ state ownership ” or broader “ engagement ” in puting precedences and planing plans ( state ownership allows for the recipient state to hold a stronger say in these determinations ; broader engagement allows civil society and faith-based and nongovernmental organisations to hold a voice alongside the authorities in these picks ) . These issues have been on a regular basis debated and have begun to alter giver patterns, but have been capable to small systematic research.

Motivations of Donors

Donor states give assistance chiefly harmonizing to their policies refering to their political, strategic, or economic involvements. Some development aid may be motivated by moral and human-centered consideration of a less fortunate state hit by dearth, temblor, inundation etc. But in normal fortunes there is no historical grounds to back up that over lengthy periods of clip, donor states assist others without anticipating some corresponding benefits ( political, economic, military etc. ) in return. Donors ‘ motivations are explained below.

Political Motivations

Political motives have been a most of import factor for aid-granting states, particularly for a major donor state like the United States. Aid flows to foster the giver ‘s involvements. The flow of financess tends to change in conformity with the giver ‘s political appraisal of altering international scenario instead than the comparative demand of possible receivers.

Economic Motivations

In a broader political and strategic position, foreign assistance plans of the developed states have a strong economic principle. For case intends its assistance to neighbouring Asiatic states to advance significant private investings and trade enlargement.


H0: assistance positively affects growing

H1: assistance does non positively affects growing

Methodology and Empirical Results

Following arrested development has been estimated under OLS method.

Y = I?0 + I?1 ODA/ Y + I?2 OFF/ Y + I?3 GCF/ Y

Y = 6.10102357 – 0.2507096669*ODA + 0.6711994009*OFF – 0.2499690315*GCF

The above explanatory variables has been selected for the measuring of the Impact of foreign assistance on gross domestic merchandise. The information is taken in clip series analysis for the period of 1985 to 2010. Three independent variables are ODA ( official development helper, OFF ( other fiscal flows as an norm of foreign direct investing & A ; foreign remittals ) and GCF ( Gross Capital formation ) . All the three variables are used as per centum of existent Gross domestic merchandise in the theoretical account. The dependent variable is GDP growing rate.

Main independent variable is ODA helper as per centum of GDP taken from OECD web site and it is about expense instead than committed. Other variables informations has been taken from World Bank ‘s website under the class of universe development indexs.

We are utilizing clip series informations there is possibility of non-stationary among the series. We have tested all series for unit root and found all the series are stationary at the degree. But the gross capital formation is stationary at 2nd different degree.

The following tabular array shows the computation and appraisal is being fined through the E-views soft wares.

Table for Augmented Dicky Fuller Unit root trial consequences is provided below:

Dependent Variable: Yttrium

Method: Least Squares

Date: 07/19/12 Time: 22:41

Sample: 1985 2010

Included observations: 26



Std. Mistake




















A A A A Mean dependant volt-ampere

Adjusted R-squared


A A A A S.D. dependant volt-ampere

S.E. of arrested development


A A A A Akaike info standard

Sum squared resid


A A A A Schwarz standard

Log likeliness


A A A A F-statistic

Durbin-Watson stat


A A A A Prob ( F-statistic )

The value of I?1 = -0.25, it is negative so it shows the negative relation between official development aid and GDP. If official development aid additions 1 per centum, the GDP will diminish 0.25 per centum and frailty versa.

The value of I?2 = 0.67, it is positive so positive relation exists between other fiscal flows and GDP. If other fiscal flows increase 1 % , GDP will increase 0.67 % and frailty versa.

The value of I?3 = -0.25, negative mark shows that there is negative relation between gross capital formation and GDP. If gross capital formation increases 1 % , it will take to an lessening of 0.25 % in GDP and frailty versa.

I?0 = 6.10, it tells that the value of GDP will be 6.10 per centum in the absence of all independent variables.

R2 tells that what per centum of fluctuations in dependent variable is due to the independent variables. It besides tells us that whether a theoretical account is a good tantrum or non. If value of R2 is less than 30 per centum, it means that theoretical account is non a good tantrum and if this value is greater than 30 per centum, it means that theoretical account is a good tantrum.

The value of R2 is 20.97 % , it shows that the 20.97 % fluctuations are coming from independent variables in dependent variables and staying due to error term. And as value of R2 is less than 30 % , we can state that theoretical account is non a good tantrum.

T-Statistic represents that either an independent variable is important or non. If value of T-Statistic is greater than 2, the variable will be important. And if the value of T-Statistic is less than 2, the variable will be undistinguished.

T-Statistic value for official development aid is less than 2, so this variable is undistinguished.

T-Statistic value for other fiscal flows is greater than 2, it means this variable is important.

T-Statistic value for gross capital formation is less than 2, so this variable is undistinguished.

F-Statistic Tells us about the overall significance of a theoretical account. If F-Statistic value is greater than 10, our theoretical account will be important, but if value of F-Statistic is less than 10, it shows that our theoretical account is undistinguished.

As the value of F-Statistic is less than 10, our theoretical account is undistinguished.

Durbin-Watson Test tells us that either car correlativity is present in the theoretical account or non. If value of Durbin-Watson Test is less than 2, it shows that theoretical account has positive car correlativity, if the value of Durbin-Watson Test is greater than 2, it represents that negative car correlativity exist in the theoretical account. And I the value of Durbin-Watson Test is near to 2, it shows that no car correlativity is in the theoretical account.

Durbin-Watson Stat value is less than 2, it means positive car correlativity is bing in the theoretical account.

Standard mistake shows the truth of the theoretical account. The standard mistake of official development aid is 0.65, standard mistake of other fiscal flows is 0.31 and the standard mistake of gross capital formation is 0.11.

Foreign assistance as a per centum of GDP comes out to be an undistinguished determiner of growing rate of the economic system with negative coefficient. So the consequences are in conformity to the school of idea that suggests that has negative impact on the economic growing. While other fiscal flow ( OFF ) which is combined consequence of Remittances and Foreign direct investing has a positive coefficient with important consequence of Gross domestic merchandise.


Consequences suggest that foreign assistance have negative and undistinguished impact on the economic growing on the other manus other fiscal flows ( OFF ) have positive and important impact on the economic growing of the economic system.

It is hence need of policy displacement i.e. signifier trust on foreign aid towards the trust on other fiscal flows like Remittance and foreign direct investing.

Foreign direct investing has a positive impact on the economic growing making substructure, employment and engineering tally over. Similarly remittals have a positive impact on the economic system by making buying power and ability to salvage more which is the option for Aid for bridging the spread of salvaging and investing.

The most debatable consequences of consistent trust on foreign assistance are the increasing debt load for the economic system, therefore decelerating down the growing rate of the economic system.

So it is necessary, governments should carefully plan the schemes before traveling more foreign assistance.

Policy Implication/Suggestions

The Donor should delegate the ownership of assistance to receiver and recent must gestate it Aid should be decently aligned.

Donor should organize themselves in order to avoid high dealing cost and duplicate Aid plans should be consequence oriented.

Donor, receiver and other parties should be held accountable.

Matching grant should be arranged seasonably where it is required.


Anwar, M and Michaelowa, K. ( 2006 ) , “ The political economic system of US Aid to Pakistan ” , Review

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Anwar, M and Michaelowa, K. ( 2006 ) , “ The Political economic system of International Financial Institutions loaning to Pakistan ” , reappraisal of Development Economics, vol. 10 ( 2 ) , pp.195-209

HensenHenrik and Fin Tarp ( 2000 ) , Aid and growing arrested developments, Credit research paper

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