Study Of The Alchemist By Paolo Coelho English Literature Essay

Even though you may non ab initio understand some of the unusual nomenclature in the narrative ( Soul of the World, for illustration ) , its subjects are 1s which are likely familiar to you. Can you believe of some old, familiar Proverbs or vocals that capture some of these thoughts? For illustration, believe about what ends up being more of import for Santiago-the journeyaˆ¦.or the finish? ? ? Where is it that Santiago finally finds felicity? Peoples have been composing and singing about the replies to these inquiries for old ages!

The fresh integrates thoughts and doctrines of many religions and historical periods. Many of these thoughts concern the chase of truth, one ‘s intended fate and the attainment of personal felicity. Coelho refers to these combined elements as one ‘s “ Personal Legend. ” He tells the narrative of Santiago in order to learn us how we may happen and populate out our ain Personal Legends. These thoughts, though, have been explored since antediluvian times in one signifier or another by infinite religions and peoples. Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, Christianity, Judaism, countless tribal civilizations, in add-on to antediluvian and modern philosophers, all effort to specify the thought of one ‘s Personal Legend ( though they may name it by different names ) , and all subscribe waies to accomplishing personal fulfilment. Therefore, although the fable is about no religion or doctrine in peculiar, it is about all religions and doctrines.

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Alchemy is the medieval “ scientific discipline ” of transforming stones into gold. Alchemy plays an of import portion in the secret plan ( actual degree ) of the narrative, but it besides becomes a symbol, or allegorical device, in the fable ( nonliteral degree ) . Coelho is truly utilizing characters, events and symbols as tools to demo us how to accomplish religious chemistry. In other words, how do we happen or acknowledge the “ gold, ” — our Personal Legend — in the “ stones ” of the mundane, ordinary, simple inside informations of our lives? As Santiago discovers, sometimes the “ gold ” is non faraway, non glittery, non alien, and non complicated, but it may necessitate a journey of bravery, religion and doggedness to detect what it is and where it is hidden.

In an interview, Paulo Coelho negotiations about “ Four Pillars of Alchemy- four of import “ tips ” for happening one ‘s Personal Legend:

One must believe in “ The Soul of the World. ” The ancient Latin term for this construct is “ anima mundi. ” In short, this thought suggests that everything in the universe is interconnected ; that is, what one does affects everything else, from the smallest grain of sand to the largest giant, and frailty versa. Writers and minds such as Plato, Walt Whitman and Khalil Ghibran have attempted to exemplify this interconnection in their plants.

One must listen to the voice of the bosom. Coelho suggests that sometimes we must follow our feelings and intuitions, even if we do non to the full understand them. Through experiencing one additions wisdom.

One must be faithful to one ‘s dreams, for they both trial and honor us. In other words, the way to accomplishing one ‘s Personal Legend may non be an easy one, but we must digest the trials in order to derive the wagess.

One must “ give up oneself to the existence. ” Coelho suggests that we must let ourselves to be unfastened to acknowledging and larning from portents and marks which come our manner.

Questions for Novel Study:

Why does Coelho open with the modified myth of Narcissus? How does the new version differ from the original one? How does it alter the myth ‘s significance? What might the writer be proposing about how we perceive ourselves and the universe?

The novel opens with Santiago believing about his sheep. What does he detect about their being? How might the sheep typify the manner some people live their lives? How does his observation that they “ have forgotton to trust on their ain inherent aptitudes ” foreshadow ulterior events in the narrative?

How does Santiago ‘s male parent react when his boy tells him that he wants to go? ( p.9 )

To what grade is his male parent ‘s observation about travellers ( “ They come in hunt of new things, but when they leave they are fundamentally the same people they were when they arrived. ” ) true about Santiago?

Why does the old luck Tellers say that Santiago ‘s dream is hard to construe? ( p.12-14 ) . Why is Santiago leery of her?

The old adult male tells Santiago the narrative about the mineworker and the emerald on p. 24. How does it link to Santiago ‘s state of affairs? What does he intend when he says that “ hoarded wealth is uncovered by the force of fluxing H2O, and it is buried by the same currents ” ? What does this quotation mark have to make with the miner/emerald narrative?

What point does the old adult male ‘s narrative about the male child in the palace and the beads of oil ( p.30-32 ) do? How might this narrative use to us in our modern lives?

How does the King aid Santiago in acknowledging portents? When does Santiago utilize this aid?

How do Santiago ‘s ideas and perceptual experiences about himself and the universe Begin to alter on pp. 42-44? Describe three things that Santiago sees now that he had ne’er noticed before.

What lessons does Santiago learn by working at the crystal store? Why do you believe Coelho take crystal? How does the crystal merchandiser ‘s account for non taking the pilgrim’s journey to Mecca ( p.55 ) highlight the difference between Santiago and the merchandiser? What consequence does the merchandiser say Santiago has had on him?

The Englishman and his ends are described on pp.65-70. What is he looking for? What does he show to Santiago that he already knows? On p. 78, he says that the advancement made at the crystal store is an illustration of the rule of the Soul of the World. What does he intend? How does he specify this? How does he link the thought to the relationship between the train and the desert?

The oasis is described in great item. How does its luxuriance, laughter and colour reflect what Santiago finds at that place? Where else in the narrative does Coelho supply inside informations about the physical scene in order to impart more significance to the events which occur at that place?

Explain how Santiago ‘s brotherhood with Fatima represents the Language of the World, harmonizing to Santiago on p.93. Why does Fatima accept that her new hubby wanders the desert, as she explains on p.98?

What is the significance of the two dead hawks and the falcon in the oasis? How does this portents change Santiago ‘s position in society?

During his trek through the desert with the alchemist, Santiago is told of many basic truths. The alchemist says, ” There is merely one manner to larn. It ‘s through action. Everything you need to cognize you have learned through your journey ” ( p.125 ) . What are some of the things Santiago has learned through action?

Why do you believe the alchemist tells Santiago the narrative about the adult male ‘s dream about the two boies ( the poet and the soldier ) on p. 156?

Why did Santiago hold to travel through the dangers of the tribal wars on the outskirts of the oasis in order to make the Pyramids? At this point, the male child remembers the old adage: “ The darkest hr of the dark came merely before the morning. ” How does this apply to his state of affairs now? At the terminal of the journey, why did the alchemist leave Santiago entirely to finish it?

Earlier in the narrative, the alchemist told Santiago “ when you possess great hoarded wealths within you, and seek to state others of them, rarely are you believed. ” At the terminal of the narrative, how did this simple lesson alteration Santiago ‘s life? How did it take him back to the hoarded wealth he was looking for?

Subjects for Research:

What is alchemy? What processes were involved? Who performed it and why? Who were the celebrated alchemists of the mediaeval period?

Who is Melchizedek? What function does he play in the Old Testament?

What are the Five Pillars of Islam ( p. 54 ) . What is the Koran?

Explore the construct of Soul of the World as different faiths and doctrines define it.

Research the tribal ways of the Bedouins of the Sahara ( 77 ) .

Research one of the geographical scenes from the novel.

What are the basic theories of Freud ‘s or Jung ‘s dream analysis theories? Catalog all of the dreams that occur in the book, and effort to construe one harmonizing to a theoretician.

Research levanters, dust storms and other regional conditions characteristics described in the book.

Post-Reading Activities:

Map out Santiago ‘s journey. Include obstacles he encounters and lessons he learns in their geographically right locations. Supply a key which suggests thoughts, advancement, symbolism, etc. ( I will explicate )

Read Walt Whitman ‘s “ Leafs of Grass ” and maintain a reaction diary which connects his poetry to Coelho ‘s Soul of the World thought.

Keep a dream diary for one hebdomad. Try to construe what you think they mean on your ain, so research what they might intend harmonizing to Freud or Jung, or harmonizing to an ancient civilization ( medieval, Egyptian, Greek, African, etc. )

Make a dance, dumb show, musical or other public presentation in which you use “ Mute Language ” to convey the narrative of Santiago.

Make a picture, montage, photo-essay, shapescape ( I will explicate ) or sculpture which captures an thought, relationship or minute from the narrative. Supply a written account of your work.

Produce a originative authorship piece which captures some of the cardinal thoughts of the book. Some thoughts:

Journal: A Day in the Life of a Shepherd

Two or three vocals ( with wordss ) from “ The Alchemist: The Musical ”

Rewrite a part of the narrative from a different position: Fatima, the Alchemist, the Fortune Teller, the crystal merchandiser the sheep!

Write Santiago ‘s “ How-To Find Your Treasure ” Handbook, or “ Personal Legends for Dummies ”

Scrapbook ( with explanatory notes ) of Santiago ‘s travels-feature images and points which Santiago accumulates as he learns about life

Letterss between Fatima and Santiago

Mute Language Journal-Tune in to the assorted signifiers of mute linguistic communication we experience around us every twenty-four hours. What gestures, facial looks, intuitions and signals do we give and have to steer us in our responses, actions, reactions and relationships? Observe interactions at school, at place, in nature, and in public topographic points, and record incidents which illustrate that mute communicating is sometimes as ( if non more ) powerful than the spoken word.


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