Sports Law-the Bosman Decision Essay


The European Community was established in 1957 with the primary aim of economic integrating. Four cardinal rights- free motion of workers. goods. services and capital- were created to take boundary line hindrances to merchandise. such as duties and quotas. Economic integrating allows for increased competition through the riddance of limitations to merchandise and the efficient allotment of resources. For an drawn-out period of clip. European football enjoyed a de facto freedom from Community jurisprudence because its operations were non lawfully challenged. This changed with the European Court of Justice’s ( “ECJ” ) Bosman determination in 1995.

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Bosman basically created free bureau in European football by keeping that bing transportation regulations and nationality limitations violated the free motion of workers between Member States of the European Union. Generalizing upon Bosman. the European Commission later issued a determination that the regulations violated European Community competition jurisprudence every bit good. Abandonment of the pre-Bosman transportation system is heralded as the decease knell of European football. This reaction is extremely overdone.

To last and boom. European football need merely commit to a new economic theoretical account. In the United States. baseball has undergone similar conflicts since the early portion of the 20th century. However. despite all the negative anticipations by critics when the baseball modesty clause was abolished. baseball has expanded from 24 squads to 30-team conference. per-game attending has about doubled and baseball’s competitory balance staying by and large unaffected. European football need merely learn from American baseball as how to accommodate to drastic alterations in a athletics.

Challenges to the Transportation System

The beginnings of the international transportation system prevarication in the very beginnings of English professional football. In 1863. a set of English amateur football nines known as the Football Association ( “F. A. ” ) began to put up a unvarying set of regulations and ordinances to regulate what would go England’s first professional football conference. One of these regulations was the “Retain and Transfer Rule. ’ The Rule’s kernel was that “after a player’s contract had expired. an option period. controlled entirely by the nine. began. ”‘ During the option period. the nine could vacate the participant at a compensation degree at least commensurate to his old contract or could put the participant on the transportation list. Other squads could subscribe participants off the transportation list but had to reimburse the former nine.

The transportation system was a response to frights that smaller market nines would be unable to vie with larger market nines for top participants. In theory. at the terminal of a star player’s contact. big market nines. for illustration Manchester United. would be able to outbid any little market nine for that participant. As the big market nines began to get all of the most gifted participants. para within the conference would vaporize. go forthing merely a few competitory nines.

Merely as the “eat-what-you-kill” outlook within England’s concern environment of the mid-nineteenth century was being replaced by calls for the authorities to cut down economic inequality. limitations on participant motion were thought to advance a competitory balance. which was in the involvements of the F. A. . football. and feature itself. By necessitating the option period at the terminal of all contracts. the F. A. created a system where little market squads that were able to develop top participants could retain those participants or at least be compensated for them. and hence compete with big market squads despite their smaller budgets.

As the game began to internationalise. the F. A. farther restricted participant motion by keeping bounds on the figure of foreign participants that any individual nine could hold on its roll. Other national football associations besides adopted foreign participant bound regulations so that by 1995. all F. I. F. A. members employed some kind of foreign participant limitation in an effort to continue para throughout the international game.

Eastham v. Newcastle Football Club

In Eastham. a professional Brits football participant sued his nine and the F. A. . seeking a declaration that the keeping and transportation system did non use to him because the system was an improper restraint of trade. After a careful scrutiny of the system. the chancery division held that the keeping commissariats became operational merely after the expiration of a player’s employment and did non. as the proprietors argued. map like the exercising of an employer’s option triping the continuance of employment.

Therefore. the keeping commissariats interfered with the player’s right to seek employment and were. consequently. nothingness as a restraint of trade. However. the tribunal held that apart from the keeping commissariats. the transportation system in itself did non represent a restraint on trade because two extenuating factors were present:

First. the participant can appeal to the direction commission if he thinks the transportation fee is inordinate. and he may acquire a free transportation. Second. provided he complies with the association’s regulations as to transfer-which brand no reference of fees-he may reassign to a nine outside the conference without any fee being paid.

Therefore. although certain characteristics of the transportation system had taken a whipping. the system itself survived to see another twenty-four hours.

Dona v. Mantero

The participants attacked the transportation system on a different forepart in Dona. Here. the European Court of Justice considered whether Articles 7. 48. and 59 of the Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community ( “EEC Treaty” ) conferred the right to supply a service anyplace in the European Community upon subjects of the Member States of the European Community. ” The Court found that Articles 48 through 51 and 59 through 66 provide for freedom of motion and call for the abolishment of any favoritism based on nationality between workers of the Member States as respects employment. wage. and other conditions of work and employment.

The Court following took up the inquiry of whether the commissariats of the EEC Treaty should use to football participants. In replying this inquiry. the Court held that athleticss are capable to Community jurisprudence merely in so far as they constitute an economic activity ( as opposed to recreational amusement ) within the significance of Article 259 of the EEC Treaty.

The Court so held that the activities of professional or semiprofessional football participants were economic activity because the players’ services constituted paid employment or remunerated service. But despite the ECJ’s clear rejection of prejudiced athleticss policies. Dona turned out to be little more than a paper tiger: Although the EC passed declarations in support of the determination on three separate occasions. the F. A. and other football associations mostly ignored the determination and continued to curtail the figure of foreign participants a squad could field for a given lucifer.

Union Royale Belge des Societes de Football Association ASBL v. Bosman.

Between 1988 and 1990. Jean-Marc Bosman. a Belgian national. played professionally for RC Liege. a Belgium first division nine. In 1990. Liege offered Bosman a new contract that reduced his salary by 75 per centum. Bosman refused to subscribe the contract and the nine placed him on the transportation list. puting his transportation fee at 11. 743. 000 Belgium Francs. based on his preparation costs.

Bosman passed through the compulsory transportation period unclaimed and arranged a contract with US Dunkerque. a Gallic nine. as was his right as a nonclaimed participant. The contract called for US Dunkerque to pay a transportation fee of BFR 1. 200. 00070 to RC Liege. Doubting US Dunkerque’s solvency. Liege refused the transportation fee and suspended Bosman. forestalling him from playing the full season.

In 1992. Bosman brought suit against Liege and the U. E. F. A. seeking a declaration that the transportation regulations and nationality clauses violated the EEC Treaty. Unable to decide the instance without an official reading of the Treaty. the Belgian Court of Appeal asked the ECJ to find whether Articles 48. 85. and 86 “prohibited a football nine from necessitating and having payment of a amount of money upon the battle of one of its participants who has come to the terminal of his contract by a new employing nine. ” The Court of Appeal besides asked whether Articles 48. 85. and 86 “prohibited the national and international sporting associations or federations from including in their several ordinances commissariats curtailing entree of foreign participants from the European Community to the competitions which they organize. ”

The ECJ held that the transportation system was a barrier to freedom of motion and hence a misdemeanor of Article 48. Repeating that “freedom of motion for workers is one of the cardinal rules of the Community. ” the Court held that the transportation fee system violated that rule by supplying an unjust advantage to a player’s present squad. Harmonizing to the Court’s logical thinking. it was against the spirit of the EEC Treaty to legalize a system wherein all possible employers interested in enlisting the services of a worker no longer under contract must pay a significant fee to that worker’s most recent employer. when the latter could re-sign him for no cost above that of his wage.

The ECJ following addressed the pertinence of Article 48 to regulations restricting the figure of foreign participants a football squad may field for a lucifer. It noted that Article 48 prohibits favoritism based on nationality “between workers of the Member States as respects employment. wage. and conditions of work and employment. ”‘ In agreement with its determination in Dona. the Court recognized that while there was no absolute limitation on foreign participants. regulations forestalling squads from fielding more than three such participants for any lucifer significantly limited a player’s employment chances and therefore constituted improper favoritism. Extinguishing the nationality limitations. the Court held. would increase the chance for employment by making a larger market.

In making it’s retention. the Court dismissed the U. E. F. A. ’s noneconomic evidences for using foreign participant limitations. Making statements that would be echoed in old ages to come. the U. E. F. A. claimed that foreign participant limitations were needed ( 1 ) to field a squad representative of the local population. ( 2 ) to develop a local pool of endowment from which the national squad could be selected. and ( 3 ) to keep a competitory balance between the nines.

The Court countered ( 1 ) that the protection of patriotism as a agency of “enabling the populace to place with its favourite team” was absurd given the absence of similar commissariats guaranting relative representation of occupants acclaiming from a team’s “locality. town. part or territory” ; ( 2 ) that football nines already employed foreign participants without compromising their eligibility for their several national squads ; and ( 3 ) that limitations on foreign participants had no consequence on the competitory balance because wealthier nines routinely used their fiscal clout to pull premier domestic participants. thereby sabotaging the statement that the involvements of para necessitated nationality limitations.

In short. the Bosman judgement means that “when a player’s contract expires he is free” to subscribe with any nine and in any state he desires. In pattern though. the immediate consequence is that clubs force per unit area participants into subscribing long. multiyear contracts so that they may command the players’ rights for their full calling even without a modesty clause to fall back on.

Trouble over Enforcing Bosman

Following the Bosman opinion. the Competition Committee made clear that it steadfastly intended to utilize its powers to guarantee that the rules spelt out in the Court’s judgement were respected. Therefore. a month after Bosman. the Committee informed F. I. F. A. and the U. E. F. A. in composing that the EC would non relieve the international transportation system from EU jurisprudence. Further. the Committee declined to relieve the limitation on the figure of foreign participants in national and international nine competitions ( the alleged three-plus-two regulation ) .

But alterations to the transportation system were non forthcoming. In the beginning. F. I. F. A. and the U. E. F. A. challenged the determination by appealing for a “sporting exception” to the regulation established in Bosman. The entreaty was ab initio rebuffed by Competition Commissioners Karel Van Miert and Mario Monti. the latter insistence that “Article 39 of the Treaty precludes limitations on the figure of subjects from EU Member States or from 3rd states. ”

Therefore. in an attempt to control the “massive migration of foreign players” hastened by Bosman’s abolishment of the three-plus-two regulation. national conferences felt pressured to happen some manner of keeping the transportation system. Teams rapidly discovered such a method. The ECJ’s Bosman governing applied merely to reassign fees for participants whose contracts had expired. Consequently. squads were still able to roll up transportation fees for participants still under contract. Because near to ninety per centum of transportation gross came from in-contract transportations. the limitation of participant motion for the most portion mostly remained unchanged.

Frustrated by the deficiency of alteration in the transportation system following Bosman. the Competition Committee announced programs to ordain a jurisprudence that would let participants to interrupt their contracts upon one month’s notice to their nines. After giving the proper notice. a participant would be free to subscribe with any other nine by paying off the staying value of his contract. On July 5. 2001. F. I. F. A. adopted the new transportation ordinances that had been preapproved by the Competition Committee. The new ordinances gave F. I. F. A. the right to exclude any participant interrupting his contract within the first two old ages of a three-year ‘protected’ period from playing for his new nine for four months in the following season. Despite this impermanent prohibition. nevertheless. the new understanding gave participants some of the freedom of mobility between squads ( i. e. . free bureau ) they had long desired.

Of class. this new program is still being tested. FIFPRO. the participants brotherhood. objected from the start to the suspension period for participants interrupting their contracts. At the same clip. proprietors have argued that little nines will be unable to stay financially stable without the possibility of having the big transportation fees of the yesteryear. Both parties’ concerns would merely increase in the aftermath of still more tribunal intervention to come.

The Effectss of Free Agency on Major League Baseball

Similar to the current expostulations to free bureau in European football. baseball’s proprietors have argued strongly for decades-ever since Messersmith. in fact-that “free bureau leads to league domination by squads with the largest markets. destructing the competitory balance” of the game. Indeed. even the fans have shared such concerns. traveling so far as to state that free bureau threatens the “very kernel of athletics. ” The basic statement is that in a free market for participant services. rich squads from big markets would rule the market for the most gifted participants. go forthing the less affluent little market nines to field their squads from a pool of less desirable participants. The ensuing uncompetitive baseball games would decrease attending and grosss across the board-even in the dominant markets. where fans would rapidly pall of lopsided tonss and uncontested crown races.

However. such devastation has non befallen baseball since the Messersmith arbitration. Indeed. this anticipation defies general economic and statistical ground. Using econometric and statistical arrested developments. economic experts have isolated the effects of the free agent market on competitory balance and found that. contrary to popular belief. free bureau has left the competitory balance. measured by the standard divergence of teams’ winning per centums over clip. largely unchanged. The consequences of these economic surveies can be verified by a insouciant fan’s “common sense” scrutiny.

Under the modesty system. baseball had a history of dynastic nines such as Baltimore and Boston in the 1890s. the New York Yankees through much of the 20th century. and the St. Louis Cardinals from the 1920s through the 1940S. Meanwhile. there have been “perennial also-rans. ” for illustration. the Chicago Cubs since 1907. the Cleveland Indians since 1948. and. until rather late. the Boston Red Sox. Yet instantly following the acceptance of free bureau. “in the decennary between 1978 and 1987. 10 different squads won the World Series. ”

Particularly late. with the revival of little market nines such as the Oakland Athletics. the Minnesota Twins. and the Kansas City Royals. the statement in favour of free bureau grows stronger. The other common concern about free bureau is that it destroys roster stableness and therefore a fan’s commitment to her squad. However. while surveies show that free bureau has increased roll volatility. at that place have non been matching diminutions in baseball attending. Alternatively. it appears that the increased opportunity of a fan’s favourite squad miraculously “turning it around” by subscribing the right free agents is at least every bit likely to hike involvement as the “revolving door” of participants is likely to run down her enthusiasm.

Internationalization of Baseball

Like football. baseball can be said to be a truly international game. On April 5th 2012. The commissioner’s office said that among the 856 participants on opening twenty-four hours rolls. 243 were born outside the 50 provinces. The 28. 4 per centum is up from 27. 7 last twelvemonth and trails merely 2005 ( 29. 2 ) and 2007 ( 29. 0 ) . Players’ topographic points of birth scope from traditional baseball hotbeds. such as the Dominican Republic. Puerto Rico. Venezuela. and Cuba. to apparently improbable beginnings. such as Spain. Belgium. the Philippines. Singapore. Vietnam. and Great Britain. The inflow and popularity of Nipponese participants is at an all-time high. 249 During the 1990s. the per centum of Latinos in the large conferences doubled from 12 to twenty- four per centum.

Baseball has even begun “promoting nonnative major leaguers to their place countries” in an attempt to construct abroad markets. “The consequence has been an intense growing in popularity in the 19 states with participants presently on big-league rolls. ‘ For case. at the May 7. 2003 Yankees -Mariners game in Seattle. over 150 members of the Nipponese imperativeness showed up to cover the matchup opposing Nipponese aces Hideki Matsui against Ichiro Suzuki. In add-on to media coverage. baseball has besides expanded the playing field in footings of the nature of the resistance and the location of its games. In 1999. the Baltimore Orioles “split a two game set with the Cuban national team” in otherwise out Havana. Opening twenty-four hours baseball games have been played from Monterrey. Mexico to Tokyo. Japan.

As a consequence of the increasing internationalisation. baseball has seen its market skyrocket abroad. Today. every New York Yankees game and most Seattle Mariners games were broadcast in Japan. The Los Angeles Dodgers. California Angels. San Diego Padres. Texas Rangers. and Florida Marlins began the ever-increasing tendency of airing their games in Spanish. Major League Baseball broadcast its Spanish-language play-by- drama of the 2003 Playoffs and All-Star Game nationally. Finally. the San Diego Padres most innovatively used the game’s international popularity to spread out their fan base by renting coachs to convey fans from Tijuana. Mexico to their Sunday games.

Baseball has suffered no discernable recoil from fans at place. Since 1990. when baseball’s international participant population began increasing quickly. attending increased. despite lifting ticket monetary values and a devastating 1994 participant work stoppage that resulted in the cancellation of the World Series. In 1990. the mean attending at Major League Baseball games was 26. 045 per game. Last season. the MLB finished with it’s 5th highest attending norm of all time. . The internationalisation of baseball has non ruined the American interest. Peoples have non lost involvement in watching the game merely because a larger figure of foreign participants are playing it ; Rather. globalisation has increased the game’s popularity both in America and abroad.

From the American Pastime to the World’s Pastime

The football universe has several concerns following Bosman. It is concerned ( 1 ) that the determinations and the regulations following will do it impossible to field a squad representative of the local population and therefore will diminish fan involvement in the game. ( 2 ) that the attach toing inflow of foreign participants will do it more hard for states to develop a local pool of endowment from which a national squad can be selected. ( 3 ) that the terminal of the modesty system will do it impossible to keep a competitory balance between the nines. and ( 4 ) that the terminal of compulsory transportation fees will do it impossible to keep lower-level developmental squads.

However. by analyzing the similar battles encountered in baseball. it is possible to foretell that these concerns are mostly baseless. The developments in baseball leading to the modern. free agent epoch and the ensuing battles are unusually similar to developments and battles of European football. For illustration. in both athleticss. participants began the revolution when they were forced by proprietors to take less wage than their just market value and so threatened with being traded or transferred against their will.

For illustration. when Jean-Marc Bosman refused a seventy- five per centum wage cut from RC Liege in 1990. he echoed the defeats of Curt Flood’s refusal to accept a lesser wage from the St. Louis Cardinals in 1969. Both participants attempted to convey about alteration through their several country’s competition Torahs. but in both instances it took several old ages. Given the similar development of the free bureau system in both football and baseball. there is every ground to believe that football will accommodate successfully. merely as baseball did.

The Effects of Foreign Players on Domestic Popularity

The Bosman determination have had their predicted consequence: They triggered an inflow of non-national participants playing in Europe’s top conferences. For illustration. in 2010. the English Prime Minister division ( the F. A. Premier League ) began its season with lone 86 English participants in the League’s 20 get downing batting orders. Therefore. nonnative starting motors numbered 134. 278

But this is no ground to foretell that the popularity of the game will worsen. Baseball experienced a similar inflow of nonnative participants in the 1990s. By 2012. 28 per centum of major leaguers and about 50 per centum of minor leaguers are foreign born. yet baseball has non see anything like the diminution in popularity predicted in football. so game attending increased.

Further. the success of foreign participants in Europe mirrors the success of foreign participants in the United States. For case. of the 50 participants nominated for this year’s Golden Ball Award ten were born outside of Europe. Such star participant power has proven valuable for baseball non merely through increasing popularity nationally but besides by increasing market size abroad.

Attendance records in the United States have non dropped as predicted in Europe. instead. attending is up well since baseball began to internationalise in earnest in 1990. Attendance. nevertheless. is non the European football fans’ merely concern. they besides worry that the inflow of foreign participants will queer the development of local endowment to stock their national squads for World Cup drama. Here. we can non foretell so confidently from the experiences of baseball that such frights are baseless. Since the early 1990s ( when Latin Americans began to take up significant portions of Major League rolls ) Americans’ engagement in baseball young person conferences has declined significantly.

But while engagement may hold declined. the quality of American baseball may hold risen. For illustration. the United States won its first-ever Olympic gold decoration in baseball when Ben Sheets pitched a skunk in the gold-medal game against Cuba at the Sydney Olympics in 2000. The last two universe cups have been all-European finals. So. this tendency tells us that the endowment is acquiring better if anything.

Competitive Balance in Sport

Sports partisans. participants. and proprietors worldwide have long recognized that competitory balance is an indispensable feature to the success of professional athleticss. With uneven competition. game outcomes become predictable. go forthing less incentive for participants to execute and less uncertainness for fans to bask. Unfortunately. in professional athleticss. the job of keeping competitory balance is a complex 1. full of built-in jobs. Sport. at its bosom. has become a concern. Players have gone from being parttime rivals supplementing their “day job” to being full-time millionaires.

Within this alteration lies the argument that sparked the tribunal instances outlined supra. How do concern and athletics interact? Competition has alone significances in concern. jurisprudence and athletics. At what degree do we let the freedoms allowed concerns to determine athletics? How much must we give competitory balance for these freedoms? The similarities of American baseball’s and European football’s battle with this trade-off are singular. The statements against free bureau are the same: A free market for participant services will let rich squads from big markets to stash the most gifted participants by outbidding the competition. ensuing in a loss of competitory balance.

But such logical thinking flies in the face of conventional economic logical thinking and can non be supported with anecdotal grounds. Alternatively. free bureau in baseball has really created a more competitory environment. as evidenced by the lessening in the standard divergence of winning per centums during the free agent epoch. True. when a athleticss fan thinks about competitory balance. he/she likely is non worried about the standard divergence of winning per centums ; he/she is worried about titles.

Even in this respect. free bureau has non caused a decrease in competitory balance. For one thing. in the 32 World Series that have occurred in the free agent epoch. 18 different squads have emerged winning. Further. one demand merely contrast the experience of the Chicago Cubs ( Chicago. of class. being one of the largest markets in the United States ) . which has non won a individual World Series in the free agent epoch. with that of the Oakland Athletics or the Minnesota Twins ( two of the smallest markets with baseball franchises ) . which have combined for three World Series rings. to see that little market squads are capable of viing even in the free agent epoch. While cultural differences between the United States and Europe true may hold some consequence. it is improbable that cultural differences would do Europe’s experience with free bureau to buck modern economic and anecdotal tendencies.


Jean-Marc Bosman and Curt Flood filed antimonopoly cases that would alter the very nature of two of the most popular athleticss on Earth. The radioactive dust following these cases transferred tremendous sums of wealth from proprietors to participants. created wholly new systems of forming featuring nines. and caused fans to worry that the really nature of these athleticss would be destroyed. The singular thing is that the two featuring communities. separated by the Atlantic Ocean. hold had experiences that were about indistinguishable.

While Europe wonders what the concluding consequence of Bosman’s suit will be. one can safely state that the alterations in baseball following Flood’s suit have been for the better. Attendance has increased. the competitory balance has increased. and the game has expanded into new international markets. Europe fears that the Bosman determination has begun a procedure that will ensue in the devastation of their darling interest.

These concerns appear to be valid on their face. but the similar experiences of baseball and football seem to propose otherwise. It appears that fans are more concerned with the quality of the squad on the field than a player’s person. cultural make-up. Further. this is one instance where economic pre- enunciations have become true: Free bureau has increased the competitory balance on the field. non restricted it.

Of class. some of Europe’s concerns do look to be valid. A correlativity can be made associating the addition of foreign participants and a diminution in the involvement and quality of a country’s national participants. Further. while baseball and football have developed likewise up until this point. there is surely no warrant that these similarities will go on.

It may really good be that because of the differences between the cultural and societal make-up of Europe and the United States. Europe’s featuring industry will hold a markedly different reaction to free bureau. But these types of differences are impossible to foretell antique ante. We can merely look backwards and comfort European football fans that these cultural and societal differences have had small consequence to day of the month.

[ 2 ] . Rachel B. Arnedt. Comment. European Union Law and
Football Nationality Restrictions: The Economicss and Politicss of the Bosman Decision. 12 EMORY INT’L L. REV. 1091. 1111 ( 1998 )
[ 3 ] . Henry Mather. Natural Law and Liberalism.
52 S. C. L. REv. 331. 353 ( 2001 ) .
[ 4 ] . supra note 40. at 353 ; James G. Irving. Red Card: The Battle over European Football’s Transfer System. 56 MiAMi L. REv. 667. 669 ( 2002 ) . [ 5
] . Eastham v. Newcastle United Football Club Ltd. . [ 1964 ] 1 Ch. 413 ( Eng. 1963 ) . [ 6 ] . See id. at 415.

[ 7 ] . See id. at 430.
[ 8 ] . See id. at 431.
[ 9 ] . DonA v. Mantero. 1976 E. C. R. 1333. [ 1976 ] 2 C. M. L. R. 578 ( 1976 ) . [ 10 ] . 1976 E. C. R. at parities. 2. 6-11. at 1339-40. [ 1976 ] 2 C. M. L. R. at parities.
2. 6-8. at 585-86.
[ 11 ] . Bosman. 1995 E. C. R. 1-4921. [ 19961 1 C. M. L. R. 645.
[ 12 ] . Id. . 1995 E. C. R. at parity. 40. at 1-5053. [ 1996 ] 1 C. M. L. R. at parity. 40. at 760-61. [ 13 ] . Id. . 1995 E. C. R. at parity. 49. at 1-5056. [ 1996 ] 1 C. M. L. R. at parity. 49. at 762. [ 14 ] . Id. . 1995 E. C. R. at parity. 49. at 1-5056. [ 1996 ] 1 C. M. L. R. at parity. 49. at 762. [ 15 ] . Id. . 1995 E. C. R. at parities. 93. 100-01. at 1-5068. 1-5070. [ 1996 ] 1 C. M. L. R. at

parities. 93. 100-01. at 770-71.
[ 16 ] . Id. . 1995 E. C. R. at parities. 92-104. at 1-5068-71. [ 1996 ] 1 C. M. L. R. at parities.
92-104. at 770-72.
[ 17 ] . See id. . 1995 E. C. R. at parities. 121-37. at 1-5075-78. [ 1996 ] 1 C. M. L. R. at parities.
121-37. at 774-76.
INTERNATIONAL. EUROPEAN. AND BELGIAN NATIONAL AND REGIONAL LAw 24 ( 2003 ) . [ 19 ] . Murray Ritchie. Menace to UEFA over EU Rules. HERALD ( Glasgow ) . Jan. 20. 1996. at 32.
[ 20 ] . Neil McLeman. Transportation Fees To Be Scrapped for Older Players. SCOTSMAN ( Edinburgh ) . Mar. 2. 1998. at 25
[ 21 ] . New Transfer System Set for September. CNN Sports Illustrated. at hypertext transfer protocol: //
sportsillustrated. cnn. com/soccer/news/2001/07/05/fifatransfers ( July 5. 2001 ) . 102. Id. Repeat wrongdoers faced a six-month prohibition. Id. [ 23 ] . Frank Deford. Small Minds Destroy Small Markets. CNN Sports Illustrated. at hypertext transfer protocol: //sportsillustrated. cnn. com/insidegame/deford/990609 ( June 6. 1999 ) . [ 24 ] . Peter Fishman. Competitive Balance and Free Agency in Major League
Baseball. 14 DUKE J. EcON. 4. 4-5 ( 2002 ) .

[ 25 ] . Peter Fishman. Competitive Balance and Free Agency in Major League Baseball. 14 DUKE J. EcON. 4. 4-5 ( 2002 ) .
[ 26 ] . Peter Fishman. Competitive Balance and Free Agency in Major League Baseball. 14 DUKE J. EcON. 4. 4-5 ( 2002 ) .
[ 27 ] . In rhenium The Twelve Clubs Comprising National League of Professional Baseball Clubs. 66 Lab. Arb. Rep. ( BNA ) 101. 102 ( 1976 )
[ 28 ] . hypertext transfer protocol: //www. washingtonpost. com/sports/nationals/percentage-of-foreign-players-in-major-league-baseball-rises-to-3rd-highest-level/2012/04/05/gIQANdTmxS_story. hypertext markup language [ 29 ] . Mary Sutter. ABC Radio. ESPN Fliping Spanish Baseball Broadcasts. DAILY VARI- Maine ( Los Angeles ) . July 14. . at 30.


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