Research into office automation systems

Chapter 2: Undertaking Deliverables:

2.1 Research

This subdivision includes the research into Office Automation systems available in the market. Besides, it will show the good and bad points. In add-on, it includes accounts about the characteristics of the front terminal tools and the back terminal tools available in the market. Front terminal tools like Visual Basic, Oracle Forms, Java etc. Back terminal like prophet and prophet database. In the planning stage, I put the events that I will run in this undertaking in the both semesters.

2.2 Analysis & A ; Design

A comprehensive certification about the demands, specifications and Office Automation functionalities are mapped on Dataflow Diagrams and Entity Relationship Diagrams through analysing the bing system. I will utilize ( Smart Draw ) plan to make Entities, Attributes & A ; diagrams.

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The chief ends of analysis:

  • Determine the range of the system and set up instance for developing.
  • Establish a greed set of demands.
  • Establish a set of objects.
  • Describe the properties and discernible behaviours of the objects.
  • Determine the relational ships between the objects.

2.3 Implementation & A ; Testing

The proposed system would be implemented, phase-by-phase based on the design by utilizing the package development tools. This would ease the procedure of on traveling operation. Once complete execution carried out, a parallel tally would be done for a few months to put to death the trial program and work out any functional or proficient observations in the system.

A measure by measure account of functionality and characteristics of the Office Automation system. The user manual would explicate subdivision by subdivision harmonizing to the operation of the system.

On completion of the concluding testing, a user credence survey would be done. This would enable comparing the efficiency and effectivity of the operations prior to the execution of the Office Automation system.

2.4 Project Management

The undertaking is divided in into two semesters as shown in the Gantt chart:

  • First semester required to subject the planning and research on the undertaking and take the right methodological analysis to plan the system.
  • Second semester will necessitate to analysis the demand and plan the low degree system depend on the methodological analysis which has been chosen. It besides requires developing and engrafting the full system. Finally it required measuring and prove the system depend on the methodological analysis methods.

2.5 Undertaking Plan

The undertaking program day of the month may alter depend on the tests and assignments breasting and attends for the first and 2nd semester. Besides, the undertaking direction subdivision will incorporate the Gantt chart which describes the clip allotment of each procedure.


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