Radio Layer Physical Layer Computer Science Essay

In this paper we explore the background and architecture if Bluetooth. The overview and functionality of Bluetooth beds. The architecture of Bluetooth Baseband bed. Different routing strategies and comparing between their efficiency and power ingestion.

1. Introduction:

Bluetooth is a wireless engineering designed for short-range communications systems intended to replace the overseas telegrams. Its cardinal characteristics are robustness, low power and low cost. Bluetooth which was presented in Feb. 1998 by five boosters, Ericson, Nokia, IBM, Toshiba and Intel ; after presenting Bluetooth formed a group called, the BLUETOOTH SIG. The intent of Bluetooth was to make a inexpensive radio connexion between different portable devices. The name Bluetooth was taken from Harald Blatand, a Danish Viking male monarch. Bluetooth is low power ingestion engineering that is why it is integrated in many nomadic and other web devices. The communicating scope of Bluetooth connexion is 10-20m [ 1 ] .

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Bluetooth theoretical account is indistinguishable to generic OSI theoretical account. It is composed of beds: Radio Layer, Baseband Layer, Logical Link Control Adaptation Protocol and Application Layer [ 2 ] .

Figure 1: [ 1 ]


The first bed is Radio Layer. The Radio Layer describes the physical wireless system, indistinguishable to the physical bed of OSI theoretical account. The chief maps of this bed are interference public presentation, out-of-band blocking, intermodulation features etc [ 2 ] [ 3 ] .


The following bed is Baseband Layer which is responsible for transmittal and response of informations packages, mistake sensing and encoding. The Bluetooth baseband bed is the physical connexion or transmittal way between two or more points that use the cardinal frequence of a communicating system. The primary and secondary communicate with each other utilizing clip slots. The clip slot between two intervals is same that is the settling clip ( 625 microseconds ) . The clip slot is the interval in which a transmitter send frame to secondary or secondary send frame to primary. Communication is between primary and secondary, secondary to secondary communicating is non possible. The baseband bed is responsible for the transition of informations packages into assigned type of RF packages. Different types of RF packages hold information in different types of information Fieldss. Asynchronous packages contain address and control information. Synchronous packages do non incorporate address information. The baseband bed uses the proper transition type that is GMSK, QPSK and 8DPSK to change over the digital spots into an RF signal. [ 4 ] . The baseband bed senses the standard RF power degree and adjusts the familial RF power degree. On this channel the information is transferred through the packages. Packages can cover one clip slot clip or up to five slots clip. Bluetooth protocol uses a combination of package and circuit shift. This bed can back up asynchronous informations channel and synchronal voice informations channels. Due to this bed Bluetooth can back up point-to-point connexion and point-to-multipoint connexion [ 2 ] [ 3 ] .

2.2.1. TDMA:

Bluetooth uses a signifier of TDMA that is called TDD-TDMA.TDD-TDMA is a half semidetached house technique in which transmitter sends informations and receiver do non have informations on same clip ; nevertheless, different hops uses different waies. If TDDA has merely one secondary so it is called Single-Secondary Communication, and is easy. Even slots are for Primary that is 2, 4, 6… And uneven slots are for secondary that is 1, 3, 5aˆ¦ . .Multiple-Secondary Communication is a little more complex as more than one secondary is involved. The primary utilizations even slots but the secondary uses the following odd numbered slot for turn toing, if package was sent in old slot [ 3 ] .

2.2.2. Physical Channel:

The physical channel is defined automatically by 70 nine or twenty three indiscriminately generated RF channels. Each piconet hop addressing is alone and it is determined by Bluetooth device reference of the maestro ; stage in the hopping sequence is determined by the maestro ‘s clock.

The channel is divided into clip slots harmonizing to the hop frequence. All units take parting in piconet are synchronized ( clip and hop ) to impart. These slots are numbered harmonizing to the Bluetooth clock of maestro. In clip slots the Masterss and the slaves ‘ exchanges packages. The maestro transmits packages in even slots. And the slaves receive packages in even clip slots. The packages should be aligned by clip slots. Packages transmitted may be extended up to five clip slots [ 3 ] .

2.2.3. Physical Links:

Different types of links can be established between Masterss and slaves. Two common types are Synchronous connection-oriented ( SCO ) nexus and the other is Asynchronous connectionless ( ACL ) nexus. The SCO nexus is point-to-point nexus between a maestro and a slave. The maestro in SCO militias the slots sporadically. And ACL is a point-to-multipoint nexus between a maestro and slaves in a piconet. In ACL maestro do n’t necessitate to reserve peculiar slot for any slave [ 2 ] [ 3 ] . SCO LINK:

The SCO nexus is point to indicate connexion between a maestro and a slave on reserved intervals. SCO nexus is used for fast transmittal instead than error free transmittal. There is fixed way for hop frequence, as it is point to indicate connexion. So if a package is non reached at slave or is damaged, it will be lost. There is no feedback system. SCO links is largely used for audio transmittal or picture transmittal where hold is non required [ 3 ] . ACL Link:

The ACL links are used where holds are non of import but the unity of informations is really of import. In this instance slots are non reserved and maestro can interact with any slave. It provides package exchanging between maestro and break one’s back. Between maestro and break one’s back merely one ACL nexus can be established. If package is corrupted the package is retransmitted to guarantee informations unity. If there is no information to direct so no polling is required and no transmittal takes topographic point [ 3 ] .

2.2.4. General Format:

The baseband bed interprets the spot arrived from higher beds as the spot has to be transmitted in air. By and large, package heading and warhead heading Fieldss are at baseband bed. The information in piconet is transmitted in the signifier of packages. Each package is composed of an entree codification, a heading and the warhead. The Numberss of spots reserved to each portion are besides indicated. The entree codification and heading are of fixed size that is 70 two spots and 50 two spots, severally. Whereas, size of warhead spots is variable ; runing from zero to 2745 spots [ 3 ] .

Figure 2: [ 3 ] ACCESS CODE:

Each package starts with entree codification of 72 spots if package heading is followed by it. Else it has length of 68 spots. The intent of entree codification is synchronism ; designation and DC offset compensation. All packages in a piconet are preceded by same entree codification [ 3 ] . PACKET Heading:

The heading contains LC information and has six Fieldss. AM ADDR ( 3-bit reference ) , TYPE ( 4-bit type codification ) , FLOW ( 1-bit flow control ) , ARON ( 1-bit acknowledge indicant ) , SEQN ( 1-bit sequence figure ) , HEC ( 8- spot header mistake cheque ) .

This makes the entire heading of 18 spots size [ 3 ] .


This bed can make multiplexing, it receivers informations from transmitters side, make frames and direct informations to baseband bed. Another map of this bed is turn toing between them, assure quality of service degree [ 2 ] .


Bluetooth has two types of webs: Piconet and Scatternet. Piconets are defined as two or more

units reassigning information. Numerous piconets with

overlapping coverage signifier a scatternet [ 4 ] .


Figure 3: [ 6 ]

The Baseband design has been chosen with standard Generic architecture. The chief advantage is that basic direction maps are performed by an external microcontroller. The microcontroller clock is set to 10MHz. We do TDM ( Time Division Multiplexing ) by synchronising the clock. The clock from transmitter ‘s side must be synchronized with the clock at receiving system ‘s side. We know that baseband bed infusions data from L2CAP bed, which is being sent in the signifier of packages [ 4 ] .

3.2. Constitution OF Connection:

Figure 4: [ 5 ] The Bluetooth entree strategy used is based on polling that is one of the device acts as maestro and one act as slave. MAC is a Master driven Time Division Duplex ( TDD ) system. Full duplex transmittals, Time Division Duplex ( TDD ) , is supported in Bluetooth baseband bed which divides each 2nd into 1600 clip slots. The transmittal of a Baseband package normally uses a individual slot but, may last up to five back-to-back timeslots. A maestro is a device that establishes the connexions to distant device, slaves. A slave can non set up any connexions ; it will merely react to the connexions from the maestro device. Therefore, traffic in the Piconet is chiefly controlled by Master ; and break one’s back transmits a Baseband package if it receives a package antecedently from Master. The maestro discovers slave devices and their services and is capable of linking to multiple slaves, and can manage active connexions at the same time. A maestro can link up to seven slaves at a clip. In Bluetooth connexion between two devices it does non count which is slave and which one is maestro. However, if we wish to link more than two devices in the same session it is possible that we will hold to see how the Bluetooth maestro / slave functions impact upon the connexion apparatus. Because one time a maestro connected seven slaves, this maestro can non link any more slaves. The solution to this job is that a slave in one piconet can move as maestro in other piconet [ 5 ] .

However, it is non an easy to set up such connexions. When the maestro has no information to direct, it sends no warhead informations called a POLL package. Then, the slave responds to Poll package by directing NULL package back. There are four operational manners for Bluetooth Slave: Active, Sniff, Hold and Park. In Active, Sniff and Hold manners, a Slave has a 3-bit reference ( AM ADDR ) which it uses to pass on with the Master. In the Park manner, a Slave alternatively of AM ADDR has 8-bit references ( PM ADDR, AR ADDR ) . Therefore, Park manner can link more than seven Slaves. However, in the Park mode a Slave can non convey or have informations. It has to listen to periodic Master transmittals for synchronism. A Slave is inactive for a fixed clip interval in Hold Mode, while in Sniff mode a Slave wakes up after regular intervals to listen for Master transmittal. A slave unit working in Hold or Park manner in a piconet can fall in another piconet but in different manner. In sniff manner the slave is active for some interval, so it can see any other piconet in the inactive interval called sniff slots. Bluetooth is a fast frequence skiping system and Master in the piconet determines the hopping sequence. This assures that each piconet has a alone frequence skiping sequence [ 6 ] .


As name refers all slaves are organized in individual piconet. Park manner is used to suit more than seven slaves. Periodically slaves are parked and unparked depending if in active manner and timestamp. Each Slave remains unparked for the erstwhile interval. This theoretical account is and does non necessitate inter-piconet communicating. However for big figure of Slaves, the clip a Slave remains parked can be considerable [ 7 ] .

3.3. SCATTERNET Model:

Slaves in several overlapping piconets form scatternet theoretical account. In this theoretical account different Communication groups are formed from different piconets. This allows instantaneous communicating in different Communication Groups and therefore leads to higher throughput, low holds contrary to individual piconet theoretical account [ 6 ] [ 7 ] .

In this theoretical account, placing a Communication Group is undistinguished undertaking. Communication Group can be identifies by a traffic control form. First, a individual piconet is formed for all slaves. And finish references are observed in slave packages and the Master determines the flow of traffic and therefore different communicating Groups can be identified. A individual piconet is split into several piconets. Traffic distribution alterations with clip and by detecting the turn toing outside the piconet, maestro decides when the slave should travel to another piconet. Well this is non an efficient method for finding Communication Groups. The piconets formed on the footing of Communication Groups will hold less inter-piconet communicating. The multi inter-piconet communicating consequences in intervention which is a major drawback [ 9 ] .


An efficient programming policy depends upon the province of the waiting lines at the Master and Slaves, the traffic entryway procedure at waiting lines, and the package length distribution at Master and Slave. The factors of involvement are the system throughput, package holds, equity and the package bead chance. The two aims of throughput and equity can conflict since the equity might hold to be sacrificed for throughput and vice-versa. As mentioned above there is alternate clip slots for Master and Slaves. This implies that if a forward slot is assigned to a Maestro so the undermentioned contrary slot is assigned to the several Slave. Thus, scheduling occurs in the Master- Slave brace. Further, the undertaking of scheduling depends on the Maestro ; this makes Bluetooth a Master driven criterion. There could be wastage of slots in the TDD strategy, if merely one of the Master or the Slave has data to direct, a slot gets wasted. Further, the fairness issue is complicated if Master and Slave do non, at the same clip, have informations to direct. Due to above grounds, Round-Ribbon is extensively used due to low throughput with TDD based MAC protocols, and do certain no equity. New and efficient programming policies are required to work out above mentioned issues. These policies should be simple to implement and be effectual [ 9 ] .

We purpose “ Master-Slave Queue-State-Dependent Packet Scheduling Policies ” . Masters and slaves are assigned different provinces harmonizing to master-slave braces in the waiting lines. If master-slave brace has to direct informations so it is denoted by 1 and if day of the month is to be received so it is denoted by 0. This leads s to four different provinces that are 1-1, 1-0, 0-1 and 0-0. Clearly if maestro has to direct informations and if slave has to have informations so it has 1-1 province. If chief sends informations but break one’s back do n’t have informations so the province is 1-0. If maestro has no information to direct but a slave receives informations so the province is 0-1. And at the terminal if both maestro and break one’s back do n’t direct and have informations severally so province is 0-0. One spot is required to direct information. Maestro has the information of waiting line at the slave ‘s side. In the precedence policy ( PP ) , a higher precedence is given to the Master-Slave connexions in the 1-1 province over braces in 0-1 or 1-0 provinces. The 1-0 and 0-1 Master-Slave braces have equal priority.2 Master-Slave braces in 0-0 province are non scheduled. Note that the PP policy achieves a higher throughput than pure circular redbreast policy since the connexions in 1-1 province are given a higher figure of slots. As a consequence, there is less wastage of slots since fewer slots are given to 1-0 and 0-1 braces. The of import parametric quantity in this policy is the precedence P given to the 1-1 connexions over 1-0 or 0-1 ( 1-0 or 0-1 connexions get a precedence of 1 ) . We perform circular redbreast scheduling among all the Master- Slave connexion braces that are in 1-1, 0-1 or 1-0 provinces [ 9 ] .


In this paper we are concentrating on the efficiency and techniques of different algorithms. The piconet and scatternet polling is based on different algorithms.


In unit of ammunition robbin system, the maestro polls the slaves consecutively. Each slave is merely allowed to direct one package per rhythm. Maestro can delegate packages of different bandwidths and types to slaves in Round Robbin Scheduler. So users can hold higher bandwidths on demand and this is the chief characteristic of this polling [ 2 ] [ 9 ] .

3.5.2. Exhaustive POLLING:

In this strategy the maestro continues canvassing until the slave until the maestro waiting line and the end product slave waiting line is emptied. This assures non merely the packages at the beginning of the rhythm but besides those rhythms generated during the rhythm are served before the maestro moves to following slave. This algorithm favours slaves by bring forthing packages at maximal rate [ 2 ] .


This is the combination of two above mentioned strategies. The chief thought of this strategy is to canvass slaves which frequently have nil to direct. The slaves are in two provinces active and inactive. The polling starts with maestro who moves all slaves into active province and begins sub cycling strategies. In a polling sub rhythm Round Robbin, all active slaves are polled in unit of ammunition thread manner. The maestro has small cognition of arrival procedure at slave ‘s side. The occupation of maestro is scheduling the uplink and the downlink. So a feedback system is needed for uplink and downlink connexions during canvassing the slaves. Depending upon the feedback the slaves are moved between different provinces. A slave goes into inactive province merely if transmitter has no information to have and maestro has no information to direct. The slave is in active province if maestro has information to direct [ 2 ] .


This algorithm is based on two chief thoughts ; it is necessary to avoid Null transmittal from maestro to break one’s back and of import is to keep the equity of Round Robbin strategy. This can be possible if maestro to break one’s back polling is under the consideration of maestro ‘s cognition of traffic to and from the slaves. In this algorithm we assume that the maestro assigns a separate waiting line for each slave take parting in communicating. The maestro has cognition of slaves ‘ province ( i.e. active or inactive ) . We assume that maestro gets the cognition from the feedback during canvassing the slave. Therefore maestro can merely foretell if slave will direct NULL from slave ‘s behaviour in the old polling rhythms. The end is to make efficient scheduling algorithm that is non dependent on executions ; the slaves should non be bounded to follow the same heading Fieldss as assigned by the maestro. Here we define slave to get the hang waies as uplink and from maestro to break one’s back as down nexus. The polling of slave and maestro causes matching in transmittal, therefore it is non possible to take slave from the rhythm without barricading the transmittal from slave. We can uncouple scheduling in transmittal in uplink and downlink by dual canvassing [ 10 ] .

4. Decision:

Baseband Layer is responsible for transmittal and response of informations packages, mistake sensing and encoding and is the physical connexion or transmittal way between two or more points that use the cardinal frequence of a communicating system. We see that the polling takes topographic point from maestro to break one’s back. The maestro can link up to seven slaves. There are several routing algorithms the innovator algorithm and most efficient is Robbin Ribbon algorithm, which controls equity. The other algorithms were developed to command more informations rate, multi-directional polling and mistake free transmittal.


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