Prejudice and Discrimination Essay

Traveling had ever been something I looked frontward to. Sing other parts of the universe. sing other states ; merely the thought of it brought more joy so most things would. Sadly though. that is non the experience that I encountered while going to South Africa. Even though it was their native land. the locals in South Africa faced an overpowering sum of favoritism ; it was wholly bosom interrupting to witness. Taking into the history of South Africa. with the construct that “blacks [ are ] inferior to whites” . ( MALEMA. 2010. parity. or in other words ; the apartheid. where black people were merely less than white. and that was the acceptable manner of life. it is non awfully difficult to conceive of that some favoritism still lives in South Africa today. With the apartheid non officially in being at this current clip. most people would. and do presume that the favoritism had come to an terminal and all people of every race and ethnicity live in peace with each other in South Africa. but as it is ; old wonts are difficult to interrupt.

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White people are still handling black people as though they were non truly people and black people are subjected to the upper manus that the white members of society have had for old ages upon old ages without holding much. if any power to alter it. The apartheid does hold a National party. people still do believe in it who live in South Africa. and while those who stand up for the truth of the affair protest and base in resistance to it. the apartheid and the people that support it stop up on top ; for now.

With South Africa traveling officially and publicly to a democratic system and abandoning the incorrect and prejudiced ways of the apartheid. hope reenters the scene for Black Americans. During the clip of the apartheid. “the governing National Party’s end was to procure White control and advance racial separation by sorting all South Africans into White. Black. Colored ( i. e. . those of assorted race ) . or Asiatic cultural categories” ( Kon ZR. 1998. parity. ) . Within South Africa. while under the apartheid the lone race that existed was White Africans.

All other Africans. whether Black or Asian. was looked upon as non being a race. they were less than homo. there merely to function White Africans. While the ethnicities of at least the locals in South Africa are the same. the race does differ from town to town. The indigens born in South Africa all portion the same background giving them the same civilization in a sense. yet under the apartheid the difference in race between White and everyone else made all of the difference in the universe. The new bend to the democratic system is anything but segregation of the races.

Much like in my ain fatherland of North America. more specifically. The United States of America. where democracy is an mundane happening. South Africa’s end of democracy will affect a turning point to some kind of equality between white Americans and all other races in South Africa besides the white community. However. much like in America. South Africa will topple and falter for old ages with this turning point. It already has been old ages since the South Africa Country has turned democratic. and still today. there lies in the towns much racism and favoritism.

To save the inhuman treatment of how utmost the favoritism in South Africa got. a much calmer illustration is when I went to the local shop that was owned by White Africans who still lived by the opinion of the apartheid. I saw a Black twosome walk into the shop. store around. and when it was clip to go forth. the proprietor refused to speak to them or function them. The all the twosome needed was milk and nappies for their newborn. but the teller. who was White. looked right through them. A white adult female pushed her manner past the Black twosome and was waited on quickly by the teller. and as the Black twosome got the intimation. they placed the points back. and walked off.

The saddest portion though. is after they left. I saw the teller catch some baseball mitts. travel over to the points that the twosome had touched and discarded them in the rubbish. Discrimination is a offense. and it unhappily still exists in society today ; most likely because some White people still believe that all other races were created inferior to them and are entirely at that place to function as ointments. but evidently. that is non the truth. and though South Africa made the right alteration to democracy to amend that false premise. that preconceived impression still lives on today.

Sadly. it is found true. non in the documents. surveies. statistics. or facts ; that the jurisprudence. no affair how much it might indicate toward and force to equality falls oh so short so frequently. The truth of this falling is found on the streets. in the towns. in schools. and between neighbours. It is seen in the food market shop. on the pavements. and through the Windowss. Regardless of the National party South Africa. the local parties South Africa ( the locals ) do non ever agree with the alteration in topographic point. and still handle everyone that is ot white as though they were non even human. A jurisprudence does non alter a person’s bosom. The jurisprudence may alter the actions of a individual. for fright of the effect to the existent jurisprudence. but the hardness that lives in the Black Marias of the white communities in South Africa have had old ages and old ages to construct up and linger. Changing the political system is a start. and so. is a aid ; but it is non the reply. What is the reply? I have some thoughts. but certainly. there is no screen all answer that will as if by magic repair favoritism.

The first oculus glimpse that I saw while I was in South Africa made me recognize that one of the best things to make for them in order to mount the ladder to equality is to indicate out to them that the hardness in their Black Marias are still at that place ; that while they might hold changed what is written on paper. the things that are engraved on their Black Marias are still at that place. and firmer than of all time. The 2nd thing that I know all Americans. non merely this one individual. can make is to be an illustration. In North America. we have faced racism. favoritism. inequality of work forces and adult females ; in short. we have faced and overcome the things that South Africa faces today.

And while I recognize them as an independent state. as North America is one of the largest and strongest states. we should besides be the best. We. as a state should stand up and halt the favoritism that happens on our streets. in our schools. and at work. We have no right to call on the carpet South Africa of their favoritism until or unless we have settled our ain issues of favoritism. And even so. a chiding is non what is necessary. What is needed is an apprehension. and aid ; we need to put an illustration.

I know that I am merely one newsman composing one article. and I am certain readers are inquiring why I am talking so passionately about this topic. or what I expect out of the readers in all honestness. I know that this is non a regular article that the newspaper readers are used to. but I besides know that this is a great manner to talk. non merely of the negativeness of favoritism and how bad it is or how bad it is acquiring. This opportunity is besides a opportunity to demo that some people care more about how to alter it from acquiring bad to acquiring better.

That though one individual can non alter the universe. one little title can make great things. and the more people that take that enterprise. the more great things will go on. I would unfeignedly promote anyone that could. to see South Africa. Brace yourselves if you do. the favoritism truly is atrocious. people that are non white still. hold small opportunities of doing much of themselves. and the AIDS that are in the state is every bit common as the America cold. but the truth is within the people. Black Americans in South Africa have the hope. they merely need the aid.

If you can non do it to see. direct a missive. do a want. sit back. if merely for a minute. and give them a 2nd of your clip to believe about them ; where they are. where they have been. and where they could travel. Discrimination non merely affects those who are being discriminated against. but besides those who miss out on the chance to cognize. work with. and unrecorded around all the other races. They all miss out on the consolidative truth that everyone is a individual ; their ain single humanistic ego that has so much more to offer than the colour of their tegument.


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