Insigh Paper “Story of Earth” Essay

The Earth is said to be “the merely place to life in the universe” but five billion old ages ago there was no signal of the planet that we can name it place. Alternatively there was merely a new star and a cloud of dust in our solar system. Over one million millions of old ages. a series of violent alterations led to the formation of our universe and. finally. the creative activity of life. As stated in the film 4500 million old ages ago the Earth looks like snake pit than place. Besides. we can decidedly see it as a “boiling ball of liquid stone or an eternal ocean of lava” because the Sun was merely 22. 000 kilometres off from our planet. As clip goes by. Meteorite starts lavishing the planet and brings H2O 3. 900 million old ages ago. Then. 3. 800 million old ages ago the molten rocks burst in the earth’s crust and rises up which forms a volcanic islands which may finally became the first continent. Might as in this twelvemonth. it begins to do the Earth a planet that we can populate but the ambiance was toxic and meteorite dissolves and conveyance C. proteins. aminic acids from infinite to the ocean.

Microscopic beings are besides found and the first mark of life is called the individual cell bacteriums which is the chemicals under H2O. Furthermore. 3. 500 million old ages ago Astrometalites was besides found it is besides called as “the most of import element” because it helps in the photosynthesis procedure. Afterwards. 1. 500 million old ages ago the Earth is no longer a living planet. There were no complex life. works. dinosaur and even worlds. At this clip. the Earth was besides called as the blue ball that has scattered volcanic islands. Then. the oldest known supercontinent was introduced it was called Rodinia. It was formed about 1100 million old ages ago and broke apart 750 million old ages ago. Besides. in this twelvemonth. the twenty-four hours was counted merely 18 hours. 750 million old ages ago. the heat in the earth’s crust was said the ground why the supercontinent split into pieces.

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About 650 million old ages ago. it was the longest and coldest period of ice age of all time to grief the Earth and about 3 kilometres of ice was stamp downing the Earth so that the scientists call the Earth as a “snow ball” . As the clip passed by. the ice is besides melted. And 540 million old ages ago. the crude bacterium evolve into workss and something else. Trilobites are distance relations of insects and even Scorpios. Nomolicarius ( sir I’m non so certain of the spelling ) was besides found in that epoch. It was 60 metres long and has a big eyes. crisp dentition and hold oning limbs. Picaia ( sir I’m non so certain of the spelling ) a being that has a 5 centimetres long and may besides be germinating into spinal column. As decision. the Earth created by dust and stones at the existence. Besides it was surpass different rhythm. As the clip passed by. a boiling ball of stone with an eternal ocean of lava. Then it became a blue ball and eventually an Earth surrounded by ice.


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