Effective Language Learning Strategies From Cambodian Teachers

After the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia ( UNTAC ) epoch, Cambodia has been fighting to take part in the international community where English is used as a tongue franca ( Clayton, 2007 ) . Due to this tendency, more and more Kampuchean scholars have paid more attending to the survey of English. The outgrowth of English has become even more comfortable after the state was admitted into the Association of Southeast Asiatic Nations ( ASEAN ) in 1999 ( Clayton, 2007 ) . Nevertheless, a figure of Kampuchean EFL scholars have failed to be adept in the linguistic communication although holding spent a batch of old ages larning the linguistic communication. The ground lying behind the failure can be the ignorance of effectual linguistic communication larning schemes or a mismatch between the acquisition schemes often used by the pupils and the instruction schemes thought to be effectual, by instructors, in learning the linguistic communication ( Chamot, 2004 ; Felder & A ; Henriques, 1995 ; Fewell, 2010 ) .

Based on Bull and Ma ( 2001 ) , pupils may non be cognizant of the schemes they have used or are utilizing in order to heighten their comprehension, retain information in their memory, or remember what they have learnt. As Chamot and O’Malley ( 1990 ) claimed that scholars are alone and of course possess different acquisition manners, the unknowingness may take to the inappropriate usage of the acquisition schemes available ( Oxford, 2003 ) . Besides the acquisition manners defined by Oxford ( 2003 ) as a general attack or behavior used by scholars to get the language-auditory or ocular manner, other variables such as the scholar features, civilization and context, etc. besides wield influence on the use of the schemes ( Chamot, 2004 ) . For case, scholars who live in a civilization that values single competition may prefer the schemes leting them to work entirely to other schemes naming for cooperation and coaction. In add-on to this, the context besides plays an of import function in make up one’s minding the utilzation of the acquisition schemes. For illustration, a survey conducted by Edonomo and Secomo ( 2007 ) in Turkey showed that scholars tended to utilize societal schemes to larn the linguistic communication in a realistic context but cognitive and metacognitive schemes in a tutored-setting context. However, the consciousness of the schemes, to Felder & A ; Henriques ( 1995 ) , is non yet the solution to the failure if the instruction strategies the instructors believe to be helpful in aquiring the linguistic communication are mismatched with the acquisition schemes taken for granted by the scholars. Djigunovic ( 2001 ) indicated that utilizing inappropiate instruction schemes which are non favoured by the scholars may non be able to actuate them to larn the linguistic communication good. Similarly, Griffiths and Parr ( 2001 ) discovered in their survey made in New Zealand that there was an about complete difference in perceptual experience of larning schemes between pupils and instructors. Due to the aforesaid points, I am diffident if the unknowingness of the linguistic communication acquisition schemes and the diverse perspertives on the linguistic communication acquisition schemes besides take topographic point in the Kampuchean EFL context.

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So far, a figure of surveies have been done to supply land to the issue of linguistic communication acquisition schemes. Bull and Ma ( 2001 ) conducted a survey to pull pupils ‘ attending to the linguistic communication larning schemes they have used to larn the linguistic communication. In the same respect, the designation of the schemes, utilizing SILL ( Strategy Inventory for Language Learning ) designed by Oxford ( 1990 ) , is besides made by assorted research workers specialized in the field of survey ( Chamot, 2004 ; Edonomo & A ; Secomo, 2007 ; Embi, Mahamod, Teh, & A ; Yusoff, 2009 ; Fewell, 2010 ) . Furthermore, the interelationship between the use of the linguistic communication acquisition schemes and pupil motive has besides been explored ( Djigunovic, 2001 ) . Embi, Mahamod, Teh, and Yusoff ( 2009 ) even looked at the correlativity between gender and the schemes often used. At the same clip, some research workers are interested in researching whether there is a mismatch between pupils ‘ positions and instructors ‘ positions on the effectual linguistic communication larning schemes used to larn the linguistic communication and the unfortunate possible effects of the mismatch ( Chamot, 2004 ; Felder & A ; Henriques, 1995 ; Griffiths & A ; Parr, 2001 ) .

Though there are rather a figure of surveies in the field of linguistic communication acquisition schemes, few of them have been conducted in the Kampuchean EFL context. The designation of the linguistic communication acquisition schemes often used by Kampuchean EFL pupils in the schoolroom acquisition environment and the comparing between Kampuchean EFL instructors ‘ positions and pupils ‘ positions on the topic in focal point have non yet been studied together.

The deficiency of the survey more or less contributes to the hapless academic public presentation of the Kampuchean EFL scholars demuring other variables. I believe that when the positions of the two groups ( instructors and pupils ) are determined, we will be able to assist the pupils learn the linguistic communication more efficaciously so that they will non blow their clip, fiscal resoures, and mental attempt. Additionally, the apprehension of the covert perceptual experiences will give the linguistic communication instructors thoughts on how to utilize appropriate instruction schemes which are matched with the pupils ‘ larning schemes in the right larning context. Besides, the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports ( MoEYS ) may take the findings into consideration and implement relevant policies which can heighten the English acquisition environment in Cambodia.

Based on the aforesaid significance, this present survey purposes at placing the linguistic communication acquisition schemes often used by the Kampuchean EFL scholars to cover with different types of linguistic communication undertakings and researching the effectual linguistic communication larning schemes in the Kampuchean EFL context from the position of lectors and pupils at the Institute of Foreign Languages ( IFL ) , Phnom Penh. Thus, the research inquiries required to reply are:

What are the effectual linguistic communication larning schemes often used by IFL pupils to manage assorted linguistic communication undertakings?

What are the linguistic communication larning schemes regarded as effectual by IFL lectors?

Annotated Bibliography

Bull, S. , & A ; Ma, Y. ( 2001 ) . Raising learner consciousness of linguistic communication acquisition schemes. Synergistic

Learning Environments, 9 ( 2 ) , 171-200.

Bull and Ma have brought the issue of linguistic communication acquisition schemes which are closely related to my research subject into focal point. In their survey, they reviewed a assortment of both learning manners and schemes. Difference between larning manners and schemes were besides clearly made. Through the questionnaire ( SILL-Strategy Inventory for Language Learning ) administered to non-native scholars of English who besides have high degree of English proficiency, findings which revealed the acquisition schemes already used by pupils and the 1s recommended to them should be made cognizant of in order that the job of a mismatch between pupils ‘ acquisition manners and instructors ‘ instruction manners can be avoided. Therefore, I would state that this journal article would cover a batch of land on my research subject.

Chamot, A. U. ( 2004 ) . Issues in linguistic communication larning scheme research and instruction. Electronic

Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 1 ( 1 ) , 14-26.

This is a corporate secondary beginning discoursing how issues in linguistic communication acquisition schemes affect the public presentation of pupils and instructors of foreign linguistic communications. Chamot makes a profound survey into several issues refering to linguistic communication larning schemes including the designation of pupils ‘ acquisition schemes, the categorization of identified schemes, the interrelatedness between the schemes and learner features, the influence of civilization and context, etc. This descriptive research further points out that cognizing pupils ‘ acquisition schemes is of critical importance to instructors who attempt to assist pupils go more successful linguistic communication scholars. Furthermore, the paper besides discusses the impact of civilization and larning environment on the use of the schemes. These two chief focal points are precisely what I am concentrating on in my research ; hence, more or less, I will be able to profit from this descriptive survey.

Chamot, A. U. , & A ; O’Malley, J. M. ( 1990 ) . Learning schemes in 2nd linguistic communication acquisition.

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Chamot and O’Malley compose this book in an effort to depict what linguistic communication acquisition schemes are, how they help scholars heighten comprehension and retain information in their memory, how they are learned, and why they influence the acquisition result. Furthermore, assorted theories sing larning schemes in 2nd linguistic communication acquisition are besides explained. More or less, these theoretical accounts will supply land to my survey.

Djigunovic, J. M. ( 2001 ) . Are linguistic communication larning schemes motive — speicific? : linguistic communication acquisition

schemes and motive. Orbis Linguarum, 18, 125-138.

In the survey conducted in Croatia, Djigunovic put accent on the relationship between linguistic communication larning schemes and larning motive. Three separate surveies were made at different larning establishments, and a big sample of participants, aged from 13 to 21, were given two sets of questionnaire to finish. One is SILL used to look into the schemes used by pupils, and another one is the motive questionnaire. The consequence showed that pupil motive correlated significantly with all the schemes often used. The more motivated the scholars were, the more often they used the acquisition schemes. However, the findings besides revealed that the larning motive decreased harmonizing to the scholar age. The youngest scholars were found to hold the strongest connexion between the motive and schemes used. Though my survey does non concentrate on the acquisition motive, it will derive advantage from this survey every bit good since motive is what every scholar needs in order to win in larning the linguistic communication, and I do believe that the designation of the schemes which are able to actuate pupils to larn good will be of great benefit to my survey.

Edonomo, D. V. , & A ; Secomo, Y. D. ( 2007 ) . Foreign linguistic communication larning scheme pick:

realistic versus instructed linguistic communication acquisition. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 3 ( 1 ) , 4-11.

In Turkey, a survey conducted by Edonomo and Secomo to detect how different larning contexts-naturalistic and instructed linguistic communication acquisition, with their different specific demands, affect linguistic communication larning scheme penchants and frequence of usage was investigated. In the survey, 25 international pupils who were analyzing English at Bogazici University in Istanbul were selected. At the same clip, they besides had to analyze Turkish in order to last in the state. Due to the fact that these international pupils were analyzing English in a formal scene ( Instructed linguistic communication acquisition ) and Turkish in a non-formal scene ( Naturalistic linguistic communication acquisition ) , the research workers were interested in the linguistic communication acquisition schemes often used by the pupils in the two different contexts. As a consequence, we could see that the pupils tend to utilize societal and compensation schemes to larn Turkish in the outside schoolroom larning environment while metacognitive, cognitive, and compensation schemes are preferred to larn English in the schoolroom acquisition environment. Although, this survey chiefly focuses on the linguistic communication acquisition schemes used in different larning contexts, it is someway related to my proposed survey which deals with the positions of pupils and instructors on the effectual linguistic communication larning schemes used in the schoolroom acquisition environment. To a certain extent, it besides provides background information to my research survey.

Embi, M. A. , Mahamod, Z. , Teh, K. S. , & A ; Yusoff, N. M. ( 2009 ) . A closer expression at gender and Arabic

linguistic communication larning scheme usage. European Journal of Social Sciences, 9 ( 3 ) , 399-407.

There are many research surveies done to look into the correlativity between linguistic communication larning schemes and proficiency degree or motive. Differently, this survey was conducted to happen out the relationship between gender and schemes use in larning Arabic linguistic communication. The research workers collected informations, utilizing SILL questionnaire, from a sum of 457 pupils who were analyzing Arabic linguistic communication in Malaysia. The consequence of the survey was in agreement with some surveies done antecedently which showed that female pupils tended to utilize linguistic communication larning schemes, particularly affectional and metaphysic schemes, more frequently than male pupils. This important difference will give me an thought to find the schemes often used by female Kampuchean scholars and the 1s frequently used by male Kampuchean scholars.

Fewell, N. ( 2010 ) . Language learning schemes and English linguistic communication proficiency: an probe

of Nipponese EFL university pupils. TESOL Journal, 2, 159-174.

In this survey, Fewell attempted to look into the correlativity between English proficiency degree and the right use of linguistic communication larning schemes on Nipponese first twelvemonth pupils. Other variables demuring acquisition schemes which may impact pupils ‘ proficiency degree were carefully determined and excluded from the survey, although the effort was difficult to accomplish. In order to find the impact of the use of larning schemes on the proficiency degree, the research worker used SILL to blossom the schemes used by the top 25 % of English proficient scholars and the bottom 25 % of English proficient scholars. Unexpectedly, the analyzed consequence was contrary to the consequences of most surveies demoing the correlativity between increased English proficiency and increased linguistic communication larning scheme use. Due to the determination, I realize that this survey is perfectly absorbing, and what truly fascinates me is the implicit in factors interfering the findings.

Felder, R. M. , & A ; Henriques, E. R. ( 1995 ) . Learning and learning manners in foreign and 2nd

linguistic communication instruction. Foreign Language Annals, 28 ( 1 ) , 21-31.

The content of this descriptive survey includes many findings I am looking for. The research workers purposefully raise the learning schemes peculiarly suited for 2nd and foreign linguistic communication acquisition. Furthermore, the writers discuss certain acquisition manners favored by the instruction manners of most linguistic communication instructors. It is written in the paper that the unknowingness of pupils ‘ acquisition manners and instructors ‘ instruction manners can take to the unfortunate mismatch which can ensue in several negative effects including ennui of acquisition, demotivation, hapless academic public presentation, etc. This survey, though non a field survey, represents a valuable corporate beginning of information on the issues in linguistic communication acquisition schemes and, evidently, will go a cardinal mention to my survey.

Griffiths, C. , & A ; Parr, J. M. ( 2001 ) . Language learning schemes: theory and perceptual experience. ELT

Journal, 55 ( 3 ) , 247-254.

This easy apprehensible article is closely related to my survey. If looking at the research inquiries, Griffiths and Parr purpose at detecting the most often used linguistic communication larning schemes adopted by the modern-day linguistic communication scholars who are talkers of other linguistic communications and the instructors ‘ perceptual experience of the linguistic communication acquisition schemes used by their pupils. To acquire the consequence, a big sample of 569 pupils who are non-native talkers of English in New Zealand were selected to make full the SILL and 30 experient instructors were invited to finish ILLS ( Inventory of Language Learning Strategies ) questionnaires. The consequence of the survey was rather interesting because there was a mismatch between pupils and instructors ‘ positions on utilizing the schemes to larn the mark linguistic communication. Based on the pupils ‘ perceptual experience, societal schemes are the most normally used and memory schemes are the least ; nevertheless, the instructors believe that their pupils use memory schemes the most and affectional schemes the least. The difference in perceptual experience between the pupils and instructors truly involvements me, and I think this survey can be a good theoretical account for my present survey as it besides provides utile information on the relation between altering linguistic communication instruction and learning theories and the linguistic communication acquisition schemes which go aboard.

Oxford, R. L. ( 2003 ) . Language learning manners and schemes: an overview. In Learning manners and

schemes ( pp. 1-25 ) . GALA.

In this chapter, Oxford chiefly discusses the differentiation between larning manners and schemes in deepness. Drawn-out definitions of the key footings are provided. This chapter of the book is cardinal to my survey since detailed description of each manner or scheme is given one by one, and there is besides a portion discoursing the deductions for L2 instruction. The writer clearly indicates that harmoniousness between pupils ‘ manner and scheme penchants and a combination of instructional methodological analysis and stuffs is the kernel of assisting pupils perform good in their L2 acquisition.


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