Cambridge Engineering Selector CES Computer Science Essay

In this peculiar assignment we are traveling to happen the best stuff for a portion of land-based gas turbine. For this research we are traveling to utilize the Cambridge Engineering Selector ( CFS ) package. We are traveling to happen the fabrication procedure. We are traveling to do a study by the aid of CES package on eco-audit for the bing stuff and the stuff we choose. We have some information and information given by the company on the bing stuff. The constituent shows below is the portion of the land-based gas turbine.


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Fig. 1 The portion of land-based gas turbine

It is made from Hastelloy X stuff which is a Nickel-Chromium-Iron-Molybdenum metal. It has first-class strength and oxidization opposition. Its approximative chemical composing is Ni 47 % , Cr 22 % , Fe 18 % , Mo 9 % , and Co 1.5 % . It has a good ductileness that ‘s why it can be forged and can be cold-worked. So this stuff is good for welding.

The constituent has 0.75 m in diameter, 10 millimeter in thickness and 200 millimeter of deepness. The constituent is on service for 10 old ages and demand to be replaced. The constituent demand to be operates on some require status i.e. temperatures up to 800oC, good thermal daze and corrosion opposition. It should be capable of being manufactured by projecting. By utilizing the CES package we have to stipulate the fabrication procedure. And if require we have to make surfacing to accomplish the heat and corrosion opposition. We have some more informations given which is Minimum Tensile Strength 300MPa, Has to run above 550oC, Maximum thermic enlargement 15 ? strain/o C, Minimum Yield Strength 300MPa.

Cambridge Engineering Selector ( CES )

It is a package bundle which aid interior decorator to do determination over which stuffs and design procedure to utilize in the development of new equipment. We can utilize the CES package for general analysis and optimisation applications by material universe information faculty. By the aid of CES package we can plan or redesign constituents with highest public presentation and lowest cost.

CES package consists of three degrees.

Degree 1 for Introductory-level pupils, supplying debut to the universe of stuffs and procedures and assisting them to choose the stuffs and procedures with limited datasets of 67 stuffs and 75 procedures.

Degree 2 for Intermediate-level pupils, supplying the structured methodological analysis for more stuffs and procedures in the deepness probes with 98 stuffs and 107 procedures with more information.

Degree 3 for Advanced/graduate pupils, supplying the full stuffs and procedures used in industry with added design notes with the huge choice of stuffs. In this peculiar degree there are 3000 stuffs and more than 200 procedures.

CES package consists of the following chief Windowss.

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Fig. 2 CES chief window

Browse – This window contains a list of the tabular arraies in the database and the categorization tree for the selected tabular array.

Select – This window is the cardinal pilotage point for choice undertakings, demoing the choice scenes, the undertaking phases and the choice consequences.

Search – This window is used for text hunts on records in the database.

Graph Stage – This window displays choice charts which show the relationships between properties.

Limit Stage – This window is used to come in choice standards as bounds on single properties.

Datasheet – This window displays a list of properties for single records. There can be many of these on the screen at a clip.

As the demand of the assignment, the company ask for the more efficient and economical stuff for the land-based gas turbine portion. The portion should be carry throughing the needed belongingss and status. For the peculiar stuff for the portion of the land-based gas turbine, degree three is dependable incorporating more than 3300 stuffs.

In degree three, by choice the ‘select ‘ Windowss it will demo the choice informations. In choice informations window glass there is an option to choose stuffs universe: all majority stuffs.

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Fig. 3 choice informations window glass ( All majority Materials )

The choice Results contains a list of all of the records that have passed the choice phases.

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Fig. 4 All majority Materials

Selection phase of CES

1. Choice with the TREE phase

To make a new tree phase selects new tree phase from the choice bill of fare or the chink the tree button. The tree phase belongingss will look. For the undertaking, the stuff for the portion of land-based gas turbine should be metals and metals, so insert it.

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Fig. 5 Tree phase ( Metallic elements and Alloys )

In the Tree Stage window, for a individual relationship, click the Show button. This opens the Cell Contents duologue, naming the names of records that fulfil the nexus choice standard for the row. In the Cell Contents duologue, Click on a column heading to screen the list by record name

Degree centigrades: UsersRANJANDesktopFINAL ASSIGNMENTHigh Temperature Materials and Applicationsphoto of ces1607 materials.jpg

Fig. 6 All Metallic elements and Alloys

By using the status of metals and alloys in this tree phase, it will demo merely the metals and metals from all universe stuffs.

2. Choice by bound phase

To make a bound phase, choice new bound phase from choice bill of fare or snap the bound button in the choice stages window glass of the select window. A bound phase window will look, and the phase will be listed in the choice stages window glass.

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Fig. 7 Limit choice phase

Before we traveling to use all the bounds, allow ‘s look into the demands of the company. The company wants the portion should be run up to 800oC, so the maximal service temperature should be 800oC and it besides require that it should be operate above 550oC so the minimal service temperature should be 550oC.

The tensile strength and output strength should be minimal 300 MPa. The Maximum thermic enlargement should be non more than 15 ?strain/ oC. However, the tensile strength and output strength are mechanical belongingss and service temperature and thermic enlargement are thermic belongingss of the stuff.

Tensile strength: – upper limit burden that a stuff can back up without break when being stretched, divided by the original cross-sectional country of the stuff.

Output strength: – The emphasis at the output point. And the emphasis needed to bring forth a specified sum of fictile distortion.

Thermal enlargement: – Addition in volume of a stuff as its temperature is increased, normally expressed as a fractional alteration in dimensions per unit temperature alteration. When the stuff is a solid, thermic enlargement is normally described in footings of alteration in length, tallness, or thickness.

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Fig. 8 Using Yield strength and Tensile strength

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Fig. 9 Applying service Temperature

By using the mechanical and thermic belongingss of stuff, it will demo 171 stuffs which fulfil the conditions.

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Fig. 10 Metallic elements and Alloys after using mechanical and thermic belongingss

Manufacturing procedure

It is of import to do the right fabrication determinations early in the design procedure, before the cost-penalty of doing alterations becomes excessively high. The choice of the most appropriate fabrication procedure of which there are a really big figure is one such determination. Taking a wide position, a procedure is a method for determining or completing or fall ining a stuff ( Esawi, 1997 ) . The land of procedures contains wide households: casting, distortion, molding, machining, compression of pulverizations, and such like. Each household contains many categories: casting contains sand-casting, die-casting, and investing casting, for case. These in bend have many members: there are many discrepancies of sand-casting, some specialized to give greater preciseness, others modified to let exceeding size, and still others adapted to cover with specific stuffs. The land-based gas turbine should be capable of being manufactured by projecting.

By using another tree phase for the fabrication procedure in trees pane chink on procedure existence and in determining procedure, select the casting and infix it.

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Fig. 11 Tree phase for fabrication procedure

After using the casting bound to the stuffs selected, it ‘s eliminated all the stuffs which can be shaped by projecting. There are merely 67 stuffs left.

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Fig. 12 Materials which can be shaped by projecting

As the company requirement the stuff should be half or less monetary value than the original stuff. It is made of Hastelloy X stuff which is one the metal of Ni-Cr metal group.

The Hastelloy X stuffs cost is 15.7- 17.3 GBP/kg.

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Fig. 13 Hastelloy X stuffs inside informations

By using the graph for the monetary value for the selected stuffs. The bing stuff monetary value is 15.7- 17.3 GBP/kg and the demand is the half and less than the existing monetary value. By the aid of the choice box it ‘s easy to extinguish the expensive stuffs from the graph. Choosing the stuffs from less than 9 GBP/kg by the aid of choice box.

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Fig. 14 The saloon chart of selected stuff with monetary value

After using the status of monetary value, there are merely 11 stuffs left.

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Fig. 15 Materials selected after the status of monetary value

Esawi, A. M. K. and Ashby M. F. , ‘Computer-Based Selection of Manufacturing Processes ‘ , Cambridge University Engineering Dept Report, CUED/C-EDC/TR50, May 1997.


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