Advantages Disadvantages Using Controlled Slow Cooling And Vitrification Biology Essay

Cryopreservation is a biological tool prolonging the viability of cell suspensions ( cells, tissues, embryos, ) for a long period of clip at a really low storage temperature-196 & A ; deg ; C with the aid of a cryoprotectant. The chemical substances which are used for cryopreservation are called cryoprotective additives ( CPAs ) . cellular amendss occurs in the absence of cryoprotectives in cryopreservation procedure. The techniques to forestall cryopreservation amendss are the combination of two procedures viz. controlled slow chilling and dynamic procedure vitrification by which populating cells, embryos and oocytes can be stored. both of techniques of cryopreservation, controlled slow chilling and physical procedure vitrification, the glassy province is indispensable which occurs at temperature below -100EsC.This temperature is called the glass passage temperature at which the H2O becomes extremely cooled.This temperature is below -100EsC and near about -130EsC. The controlled slow chilling may take to the intra cellular lattice ice formation, due to these there are high opportunities of stop deading hurt and thaw hurt. These hurts eventually consequences into lysis, of the cell ( Rawson, 2009 ) . Cryopreservation has major applications in the Fieldss of sterility intervention, carnal reproduction of their gametes, embryos of assorted amphibious vehicles, reptilians, Fishs and other domestic and non domestic birds, endangered carnal species to many extents which are in cryo Bankss ( Zhang, 2011 )

Cyroprotectants ( CPAs )

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The chemical substances which are used for cryopreservation are called cryoprotective additives ( CPAs ) . Cryoprotectives are of two types viz. perforating and non-penetrating, perforating CPAs are little, can easy spread into the plasma membrane and their toxicity causes cell harm while non-penetrating CPAs are long polymers can non come in the cytol. the cryopreservation of cells, tissues, gametes, oocytes without cryoprotectives is non much it leads to injury of cells. The utility of the utilizations of cryoprotectants is that they have a ability to supply viral free medium. The cryoprotectants provide conditions for the cells, tissues and cell lines to hive away at low temperature ( Stacey, 2004 ) . cryoprotectants used to continue the cells, tissues and cell lines may take to the addition in toxicity in the cells. The toxicity may increase due to the high concentration of cryoprotectants, and which consequences into the inauspicious consequence on the cell construction it destroy the cell membrane, cell organelles the cell will lose all the stuff and it consequences into the decease of cells. The most indispensable factor is the choice of the cryoprotectants. The composing and concentration of cryoprotectants that have to used for the Vitrification should non play deadly consequence on the embryo and oocytes. The cryoprotectants should merely pervade the cytol but non to bring forth the inordinate osmotic force per unit area indoors. The cryoprotectants solution should be decently concentrated to avoid crystallisation during stop deading. The cryoprotectants provide stable conditions for the cells, tissues to continue at low temperature ( Stacey, 2004 ) . The cryopreservation by controlled slow chilling besides has negative consequence on the cell activity. The controlled rate slow chilling may take to the intra cellular ice formation, due to formation of ice there are high opportunities of stop deading hurt These hurt causes decease of the cell ( Rawson, 2011 ) .

The chilling and warming conditions should be really carefully handled, so that stop deading hurt, thaw hurt and loss of H2O should non go on. The best cryoprotectants are glycerin, sucrose, dimethylsulphoxide, ethene ethanediol, propene ethanediol which are used in different cryopreservations.

Controlled slow chilling

The controlled rate slow chilling is performed by prolonging the glassy province at the temperature lower than -100EsC.At this temperature, The controlled slow chilling may take to the intra cellular ice formation, due to intra cellular ice formation there are high opportunities of stop deading hurt and thaw hurt. These hurts might consequences into the decease of the cell. At this phase the kinetic gesture of H2O molecules is prevented ( Fuller, 2009 ) .The sample is kept in chilling chamber where temperature is lowered so -80EsC and cryopreservation is done by hive awaying the samples at this low temperature utilizing a bit-by-bit process. This enhances the viability of cells. A programmed process is used in the chilling system. The seeding is performed for the nucleation of the sample. The forceps touch the extremely cooled straw at a definite temperature or the cryosurgical device is used in this. The controlled release of LN2 is processed in the chilling chamber ( Fuller, 2011 )

In controlled rate and decelerate chilling, the cryoprotectants are added measure by measure by cut downing the temperature. The measure by measure add-on of cryoprotectants is utile for the formation of less intracellular ice, less liquid H2O and less hurt to the cells. The controlled rate and decelerate chilling has tendency to some extent to safely continue the biological systems because the controlled rate and decelerate chilling does non supply wholly cryoprotection. With controlled rate and decelerate chilling likely there is largely opportunity of intracellular ice formation, remotion of H2O content and freezing hurt, which consequences in harm of cells, embryo and oocytes. Vitrification is other procedure of cryopreservation of life cells, embryo and oocytes. In vitrification, the sums of cryoprotectants are used with rapid chilling of the sample are intensively more. The fast chilling of sample might consequences into the formation of glassy province visual aspect without any harm happening to the life cells, embryos. The procedure largely diminishes the opportunities of formation of intracellular ice, and thaw hurt. Vitrification is needed for populating cells, embryos and oocytes in order to continue the proper construction and retain genic information in chilling and at that place by warming after the cryopreservation ( Rawson, 2009 ) .


The chief aim of vitrification is to forestall the formation of ice crystals in the cells. Vitrification, the glassy province is achieved without the intercellular ice formation by making two things. First is doing the solution is concentrated plenty to forestall the rapid elimination of the H2O which is due to the osmotic gradient formed by external medium. The solutes concentration is increased by adding the cryoprotectants ( ( Rawson D, 2009 ) . The 2nd is rapid chilling, which helps to vitrify the H2O and its contents. The cryoprotactants which are used in the vitrification must hold some specific belongingss. The CPAs have perforating ability and these aids in desiccating before the extracellular ice formation. As more than one cryoprotectant is used in vitrification, the proper combination of these is used.In the composite of CPAs at least one of them has incursion ability. The CPAs besides induce toxicity which is harmful for the life cells ( Watson,2009 )

In the physical procedure of Vitrification of embryos, oocytes and tissues many factors have been taken into the consideration for effectual cryopreservation. The indispensable factor is the choice of the cryoprotectants. The composing and concentration of cryoprotectants that have to used for the Vitrification should non play any deadly consequence on the embryo and oocytes. The cryoprotectants should pervade merely into the cytol and non to bring forth the more osmotic force per unit area indoors. The cryoprotectants solution should be decently concentrated to halt crystallisation during chilling. The freeze and warming conditions should be really carefully maintained, so that stop deading hurt, chilling hurt and desiccation may non go on. The process to thin embryos and oocytes from the Vitrification solution should carefully manage.

As the H2O is present in every life systms, the cryoprotectants used in vitrification does non let H2O to achieve the crystal construction. To halt the H2O from doing the crystal signifier the high concentration of cryoprotectants used with the rapid chilling of the sample. The high concentration of cryoprotectants makes the solution extremely syrupy, which leads to the lessening in stop deading point. Lowering in the freezing point does non let the H2O molecule to put up a crystal signifier, the procedure consequence in the formation of glassy province. The existent ground behind the vitrification is that the amphibious vehicles and insects populating in the Arctic and Antarctic Circle besides create their cryoprotectants in their organic structure during the winter season. The toads can populate many yearss in cold H2O without any ice crystal formation due to diminish in stop deading point formation of glassy province. Vitrification can be used for the cryopreservation of tissues, blood cells, embryos, oocytes. The oocytes and embryos of mammalian species, embryos of Drosophila melanogaster melongaster and works embryos of Asparagus officinalis are successful cryopreserved with the aid of Vitrification. The first successful cryopreservation of mouse embryo with the aid of Vitrification was done in 1985 by Rall and Fery. Vitrification provides big figure of application by successful saving of embryo and oocytes ( Best, Cryonics ) .

Vitrification of oocytes and embryos:

Cryopreservation by vitrification which maintain the glassy province uses different processs for different species. The oocytes cryopreservation include the add-on of assorted CPAs in changing concentration.It depends upon the phase of ripening of oocytes. The oocytes of mouse and cowss are successfully vitrified ( Fuller B, 2011 ) .The cryoprotectants used are ethylene ethanediol, ficol and saccharose. The mouse oocytes are croypreserved by CPAs include polyethylene ethanediol ( PEG ) and 6M Me2 SO ( dimethyl sulfoxide ) The little sum of samples and specific containers used in vitrification procedure of mature oocytes which provide favorable consequences ( Fuller B, 2011 ) ..

The aquatic species oocytes have been cryopreserved but there is barrier in embryo cryopreservation of these species ( Zhang T et al. , 2011 ) .The fish oocytes are cryopreserverd by vitrification. In this the combination of cryoprotectants is used.The Me2SO at all concentration is utile in it and up to 3M propene ethanediol is favorable. The usage of plastic straw in vitrification and KCl buffer as bathing medium is helpful in accomplishing the vitrification of fish oocytes ( Guan M, 2009 ) .

The embryos of human are successfully cryoperserved through vitrification. The vitrification of human embryos requires little volumes of samples which are cooled quickly. These samples are placed on cringles which are plunged into liquid N ( LN2 ) and stored in a particular storage containers ( Fuller B, 2009 ) .The cryoprotectants used are ethylene ethanediol, sucrose and dimethylsulfoxide. There is no world-wide protocol of accomplishing successful vitrification with the formation of glassy province. The human embryos are successfully cryoperserved through vitrification.

The oocytes and embryos are efficaciously preserved by vitrification. The saving of embryo should be done at the Blastocyst phase. The cryopreservation of embryo and oocytes needs a mixture of cryoprotectants to be used. For vitrification of embryo and oocytes the ethene ethanediol and sucrose cryoprotectants are used. The usage of ethene ethanediol and sucrose solution has good consequence on the endurance of embryo and oocytes than other cryoprotectants. Other cryoprotectants have toxic consequence on the embryo. The usage 5.5 mol/l of ethene ethanediol and 1.0 mol/l of sucrose measure, the embryos and oocytes are foremost treated with this solution and subsequently exposed to liquid N at -196 & A ; deg ; C. In this manner the embryos and oocytes can continue by vitrification ( Ali, 2001 ) .

The Vitrification has major applications in the cryopreservation of embryos and oocytes. It is utile in the saving of endangered species, reproduction of carnal species, the production of biomedicines. So, Vitrification has really utile applications in the cryopreservation which leads to production of new assortments of pick. Vitrification is presently doing the proposal for new researches on animate being and works species.

The long term storage at really low temperature raises many issues. These may be hazard to the preserved stuff or the taint of the tissues or cell lines. The stored samples are kept at really low temperature. Therefore there is a regular alteration in the temperature during the regular care of the vass in which the samples are stored. This preserving process includes the gap of the vass in country, where all samples are stored at in a one room.This might be due to the heat transportation process ( Stacey G,2011 ) . The samples in cryobiology are stored with liquid N in the process of managing these causes excess damage as loss of all the viability of samples.

There is a stating about taint of the samples in the storage vass from the micro-organisms i.e. fungi etc. The vass must be cleaned at the bottom surface on a regular basis to curtail from formation of any microbic beings. The safety step of the storage vass in checking of the vacuity formation considered in order to hold successful saving of the biological stuffs ( Stacey G, 2011 ) .

There is besides a concern that radiation causes drawbacks in the stored cellular stuff if the storage vass are non decently maintained. This may consequences in the happening of mutant sometimes ( Stacey G, 2011 ) .

When a immense sum of embryos and oocytes are stored for long clip in the cryobanks without any hereafter usage. As people stored these sources cells for taking in the hereafter, but they do non necessitate this in their upcoming and did non non have back these from the cell Bankss. The investing and human pattern every bit good as storage processs go in waste without any usage. As the oocytes and embryos were cryopreserved for long clip in the cell Bankss, the reproduction can be achieved at any phase of life span.

The necessity for the long term storage of cells and tissues that all the cell Bankss have the needed lab equipments and storage country installations harmonizing to the storage sample to avoid any type of taint to the samples. The fiscal scheme of the Bankss must be strong plenty to hive away the biological sample at a high quality of hygienic conditions. The lab setup used in the cryopreservation of cells and tissue are presented harmonizing to the sample conditions as if there is any harm to the sample than there must be replacement standards in which the vass with least harm are used. In samples stored with liquid N, the great concern is required.The storage in this medium concerns the more attending in managing and defying any taint. The vass with long storage are used in which there are low N lost systems. The samples must be stored at the underside of the vass. The vass which have the big gap palpebras cause more amendss ( Stacey G, 2011 ) .

In order to look into the proper care of the stored sample, there should be everyday lab trials like viability trial and sterilization trial. The trials are really indispensable to look into the proper conditions of the sample. The issue originating with trial is that the trial Trypan blue done to findout the viability of the cells. Trypan blue may over gauge the feasible cells and which leads to improper usage of tissues or cell lines. The trials should hold accurate step of viability to hold good consequences in the applications where they have done. The accident happen at the cell bank due to liquid nitrogen storage is another issue. The liquid N is really unsafe for the samples preserved nitrogen get interacted with sample stuff and makes them toxic, . Rise in the degree of N has negative consequence on the wellness of individual working at the lab.


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